
Archive for the ‘conscious aging workshops’ Category


Rachel Freed talks about having ‘aspirations’ as we age. Here is a guided meditation by guest Ron Pevny who specializes in Elder Consciousness that can assist you to envision your aspirations. Althoug Pevny is speaking to elders, I think this meditation can benefit any age.

Envisioning Your Ideal Elderhood
An Inner Journey Toward Wholeness
By Ron Pevny

I invite you to use this guided meditative journey in whatever ways work best for you. You can have a friend slowly lead you through the process. Or you can record yourself slowly reading the script, and then periodically set aside time to take the journey and see what arises. Or you can use the sections as prompts, slowly reading each one and then in a relaxed state seeing what images arise. However you use this evocative imagery, I encourage you to pay special attention to images and feelings that evoke a strong inner sense they are showing you something important about the wholeness that is possible for you in the elder stages of your unique and precious life’s journey.

A magnificent life stage characterized by your commitment to wholeness awaits you. These next moments are a time to let your spirit soar, to ask your most authentic inner knowing however you understand and name it, for glimpses of what this wholeness can look like for you. As you choose to let go of doubt and attachment to your younger self, you have the opportunity to co-create with the divine spirit within you the fulfillment and fruition of your growth in this precious lifetime. You live in a unique time in known human history, have unique resources at your disposal, and have precious opportunity to embrace an elderhood of growth and fulfillment beyond what you have been able to imagine. So I invite you to allow yourself to get in touch with your soul’s dream for you as you look toward your future.

Begin this journey with several deep in-breaths and exhalations. Breathe in the energy of life and possibility, and exhale stress and limitation that keep the eagle in you grounded. It’s time to rise up and gain your soul’s-eye view of your next chapters. Imagine yourself soaring on the warm air currents, relaxed, free, joyous—and looking down at the elder you can become.

As you soar, focus your attention on the elder you doing all you can to enjoy health of body and mind. See and feel yourself gratefully supporting the best health possible for you in that elder body that has served you so well and enabled you to experience so much of life for so many years. Envision yourself thriving in your elder body, and feel how important it is for you to do all you can to make such thriving possible. Solidify your vision by making mental notes of this experience.

Now it’s time for a shift in focus. As you soar through the sky of possibility, see the elder you living a life enriched by meaningful relationships. See and feel yourself thriving, as you find the right balance for you between truly supportive relationships and private, quiet reflective time. See what having true community in your life looks like. Feel how important it is for your wellbeing to do all you can to make such life-enhancing relationships possible. And make mental notes of this experience.

Now another shift. As you savor the freedom of seeing your life as your soul sees it, see and feel how beautiful is the life of the elder you can be as you live unburdened by emotional baggage which distorts and saps life energy and keeps you bound to your past. See and feel the elder you enlivened by freely flowing life energy pulsing through you in each present moment and guiding you toward your future. Feel how important it is for your well-being to do all you can to make such healing possible. Make some mental notes of this experience.

It’s time for another shift in perspective. See your elder self waking each morning with eager anticipation of a day lived with commitment to service. There are so many possibilities each day to be of service. So many needs that you can help meet. So many ways to serve the community as elders have done throughout human history. Many of these will come in delightfully unexpected ways, and while others may be reflections of your abiding sense of an ongoing contribution that is uniquely yours. See and feel how important purpose and meaning are to your elder wellbeing. Feel how important it is for you to do all you can to make such a life of purpose possible. Make some mental notes of this experience.

Now, with only a slight shift in focus, you look down and see yourself as an elder whose days are brightened with laughter, joy, pleasure, excitement. You see yourself doing things that exhilarate you, that give your body and mind exciting, enlivening, and sometimes new, experiences. At a time in life that becomes bland and dull for many people, you add rich spices with your commitment to feeding yourself experiences and emotions that help you to feel alive in your body, mind and emotions. See and feel how important laughter, joy, pleasure and excitement are to your elder wellbeing. Feel how important it is for you to do all you can to bring such qualities and experiences into your life as you grow older. Make some mental notes of this experience.

Take a moment to allow yourself to feel the joy of soaring in the realm of possibility. And now see your elder self experiencing the satisfaction and challenge of learning new things and developing new talents. Can you identify what you are committed to learning? Can you see what talents you are striving to develop. Can you feel the satisfaction of knowing that you are stretching beyond your perceived limits—that you are growing and not allowing limiting, disempowering ideas about age to stop you? See and feel how important continual learning and stretching are to your elder well-being. Feel how important it is for you to do all you can to continue growing in knowledge and talent throughout your elderhood. Make some mental notes of this experience.

As you soar on the updrafts, you become aware of the incredible beauty, power, diversity and interconnectedness of life in the world in which the elder you is privileged to live. And you see how the wellbeing—in fact the very existence of yourself and the generation to follow you—is threatened by your fellow humans not realizing how vital is a strong, mutually supportive relationship with the natural world which is truly our earth mother. See and feel how important it is to you to regularly be enlivened and healed by the energies of the natural world, and to find your ways of helping to support the health of our mother. Make some mental notes of this experience.

As you continue to soar, reflect on the reality that the currents that allow you to rise above the limitations of your personality self are the currents of the spirit in you expanding your vision and amplifying the life force that flows through you. Look down and see your elder self embracing that spiritual dimension that is your source and your essence. See and feel the elder you continually deepening your relationship with your spiritual essence as other aspects of your younger self are gradually shed. And then look ahead to the time of your death and see your inner self alive with the peace of knowing that, as your body and personality end your life’s journey, the spirit in you is shining brightly as you fulfill the ultimate purpose of your life. See and feel how important your spiritual deepening is to your elder wellbeing. Feel how important it is for you to do all you can to support your spiritual growth. Make some mental notes of this experience.

And now this experience of soul-soaring is coming to an end. There will be others if you allow them, because soaring is part of what you are built for. As you gently make your way back to the earth, and this room in this time, you have been blessed with glimpses of what your inner self knows to be your ideal elderhood. Now your task is to remember these glimpses, and to begin to transform them into the goals and commitments out of which wholeness in your elderhood can be shaped. So take one last minute to remember the joys of soaring. And then take three deep breaths and feel the privilege of having a body and personality, here on this beautiful planet with so much support for enjoying the wholeness that can be your elder destiny.

You can find Ron Pevny at http://www.newsite.centerforconsciouseldering.com/

Thanks to Ron for this lovely and insightful “soul-soaring” meditation

Peacefully, Jane


Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Graduate of IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator

USUI Reiki Master, Natural Sound Healing

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation


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Dear Friends,

I invite you to a workshop series called “Conscious Aging”that is truly transformative for those who are willing to discover a new view of aging.  It will give you the ways and practices you need for happiness and contentment as you age. There is a positive way and vision that can change your life!  Enjoy a relaxed setting where we share in conversations with others, enjoy inspirations for reflection from articles, music, poetry and other creative activities.

I learned so much about aging from the Conscious Aging program. I discovered some of my limiting views of aging that I could change. Now, I can move through my aging process with greater ease and comfort with less fear and anxiety. I am excited about sharing this program with you.  It has changed my view of aging from seeing the media view of aging as downward slope to an enriching time with freedom and a time to enjoy what has heart and meaning to me.

Join me this fall for a new series beginning Oct.6/16 !  Register today! Please visit Conscious Aging website for more details about the program series.


Meaford Lifestyle Fall  2016 Program

Conscious Aging Workshops Series

  Cultivate Wisdom, Connect with Others,

Celebrate Life

With Jane Brown Robertson

Authorized IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator

The IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) Conscious Aging is a program that offers you a profound new vision of just what it means to grow older. This renewed awareness helps you to recognize the rich potential you can tap into at midlife and beyond. That is why we say conscious aging is better aging 

Discover what it means to age consciously and how there is a big difference between simply becoming old and aging consciously.

Do you find yourself struggling with some of the challenges of aging?

  • Would you like to explore the possibility of turning the challenges of aging into opportunities for growth?

  • Are you curious about the gifts of aging?

  • Would you like to connect to a like-minded community?

 If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then the Conscious Aging Workshop is for you!

Register today for Fall 2016 Conscious Aging  Workshops

Please register by Sept.15th to have workbooks for 1st session.

To Register:  Contact: Amber Knott 519 538-1060 ext. 1200 

email:  aknott@meaford.ca

Supervisor, Recreation Programs , Municipality of Meaford

Location:  Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre & Arena

Date:  Every  Thursday afternoons beginning October 6th – November 24th, 2016

Time:  1:00 pm.- 3:30 pm.

Fee: $130.00  8 workshops, includes 118 Page Workbook

$20.00 per workshop if registered individually (workbook not included)

$30.00 workbook Conscious Aging a Self-Reflections and Conversation Circles Guide” created by IONS (sold only to workshop participants who register for individual workshops)

 An 118-page workbook has been produced as a companion to the Conscious Aging program. Developed by Kathleen Erickson-Forder, Elder Education Program Manager with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), this workshop has been field-tested and tremendously well received across a broad range of settings in the United States and Canada.

conscious-agingworkbook Please visit Conscious Aging website for more details about the program series.


As an IONS Authorized Conscious Aging Facilitator, Jane Rosalea Brown (formerly Booth-Robertson), BA, CSW is honored to support you on this rich and meaningful journey. These workshops are available to individuals (private sessions), groups and organizations. 

Follow Jane on Twitter @janerbooth

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I invite you to the fall session of Conscious Aging Workshop series in Meaford ON.

Shift your view of aging from fear to growth!

The last third of our life is unique with its own purpose with gifts of wisdom, deep values and spirit to embrace. Overcome anxiety of aging and its challenges and discover ways to ease and to embrace our aging process with new views and practices. I look forward to seeing you!

Visit the Conscious Aging Website http://www.consciousagingsite.wordpress.com

To Register you may come to the Meaford Wellness Fair, September 17th 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. 151 Collingwood St. Meaford, ON  See you there!

Or Call Amber Knott, Municipality of Meaford, 519-538-1060 Ext. 1200 to register for the fall workshops.

Please register by Sept 17th. 


11709538_10152829565162303_6161609573751527717_nJane Brown Robertson is an authorized IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator offering Conscious Aging workshops in Meaford and Grey County, ON

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Dear Friends, I invite to this program series, Conscious Aging, that is truly transformative for those who are willing to discover a new view of aging.  The last group who participated did not want the program to end!!  We are continuing next week on this journey of ‘conscious aging’ as it is providing the tools and practices we need for happiness and contentment as we age. There is a positive way and vision that can change your life!

Join me this fall for a new series beginning Oct.6/16 !  Register today!


Meaford Lifestyle Fall  2016 Program

Conscious Aging Workshops Series

  Cultivate Wisdom, Connect with Others,

Celebrate Life

With Jane Brown Robertson

Authorized IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator

The IONS Conscious Aging is a program that offers you a profound new vision of just what it means to grow older. This renewed awareness helps you to recognize the rich potential you can tap into at midlife and beyond. That is why we say conscious aging is better aging 

Discover what it means to age consciously and how there is a big difference between simply becoming old and aging consciously.

Do you find yourself struggling with some of the challenges of aging?

  • Would you like to explore the possibility of turning the challenges of aging into opportunities for growth?

  • Are you curious about the gifts of aging?

  • Would you like to connect to a like-minded community?

 If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then the Conscious Aging Workshop is for you!

Register today for Fall 2016 Conscious Aging  Workshops

Please register by Sept.15th to have workbooks for 1st session.

To Register:  Contact: Amber Knott 519 538-1060 ext. 1200 

email:  aknott@meaford.ca

Supervisor, Recreation Programs , Municipality of Meaford

Location:  Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre & Arena

Date:  Every  Thursday afternoons beginning October 6th – November 24th, 2016

Time:  1:00 pm.- 3:30 pm.

Fee: $130.00  8 workshops, includes 118 Page Workbook

$20.00 per workshop if registered individually (workbook not included)

$30.00 workbook Conscious Aging a Self-Reflections and Conversation Circles Guide” created by IONS (sold only to workshop participants who register for individual workshops)

 An 118-page workbook has been produced as a companion to the Conscious Aging program. Developed by Kathleen Erickson-Forder, Elder Education Program Manager with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), this workshop has been field-tested and tremendously well received across a broad range of settings in the United States and Canada.

conscious-agingworkbook Please visit Conscious Aging website for more details about the program series.

As an IONS Authorized Conscious Aging Facilitator, Jane Rosalea Brown (formerly Booth-Robertson), BA, CSW is honored to support you on this rich and meaningful journey. These workshops are available to individuals (private sessions), groups and organizations.  Email Jane goldenlightcentre@rogers.com Subject: Conscious Aging


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I thought that my voyage had come to its end at the last limit of my power — that the path before me was closed, that provisions were exhausted and the time come to take shelter in a silent obscurity. But I find that thy will knows no end in me. And when old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders“.

— Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali

I love this quote that reveals what happens as we age if we allow our hearts to open, to deepen our spiritual awareness and to flow with creative thoughts.  There are always new thoughts, new songs, new poems, new perspectives when we let go of the ‘old tracks’ and unveil new ‘wonders’.

It is because I have been facilitating an IONS Conscious Aging” workshop series that my awareness of the qualities and opportunities that come with age have heightened.  I have been so inspired by my participants and their ability to transform and to have new views about their future.  Aging well means taking good care on all levels – mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.  But when our spiritual self deepens by feeling a greater connection to our ‘soul’ and spirit we lose our fear of death and recognize the gifts we have received and the gifts we still have to offer to others.

This awakening to a new view of aging provides so much freedom!  Freedom to do new things, to meet new friends, and to serve others in whatever way we can.  I saw people get excited about the age and stop apologizing for being older.  With renewed vision of our self, others begin to notice our change.  Younger people notice too and are attracted to those who are happy and feeling fulfilled.

The common ground that all in the Conscious Aging group felt was that they may have changed on the outside, but inside they felt the same as when they are young!  So we all realized that when you look at someone older, they aren’t really old because their heart and soul has remained the same.

This prompted me to write a poem I’d like to share with you~

How strange it is

To be inside this old body

Laughing the same way

Crying the same way

Playing the same way

Always being the romantic

In love with being in love

Not much has changed


That can’t be true

Look around you

Everything has changed

Look in the mirror to see

The old face smiling back

Once brunette hair now white

Ages spots and wrinkles oh dear

So much has changed


How strange it is

To be inside this old body

As I have always been

But I am an elder now

With bits of wisdom to share

I have found a loving presence

That truly reveals who I am

Not much has changed   

©Jane Rosalea Booth Robertson,2016, Meaford ON   July 29,2016

Whatever age you are embrace its gifts.  Each age group has a purpose and things to offer.  Each stage is unique which new challenges and new things to learn.  Make the most of each day, each moment to bring into it peace, laughter, and love!  Remember ~ you are always beautiful inside and outside~ at any age!

Peacefully, Jane

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You are invited ~

Mon Jun 27th 10:00am – 1:00pm

Meaford and St. Vincent Community Centre, 151 Collingwood St., Meaford, ON, Canada 


Lifestyle Programs offered through the Meaford Recreation Dept. includes

  • Conscious Aging Workshops Series with Jane Booth Robertson
  • The Essential Low Back Program with Joanne Pineau
  • Quiet the Mind & Relax the Body with Joanne Pineau

Jane will host a free ‘café style’ conversation circle to chat casually about “Conscious Aging” to have a more vibrant, positive, healthy lifestyle as we age. Drop in anytime for refreshments and free reflective meditations. Program details: www.consciousagingsite.wordpress.com

Joanne will be offering gentle stretches for back pain and relaxation every half hour starting at 10:30am. Please bring a mat and dress comfortably. Details: http://www.innerjourney.ca.

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