
Archive for the ‘Holistic Services’ Category



A Peaceful Way 2018 Fall Newsletter

It has been awhile since I have written a Peaceful Way Newsletter, but things are moving along in Meaford. There have been some changes…I changed to my maiden name – Jane Rosalea Brown, (married name is Robertson), but mostly I am following my ‘bliss’ as the saying goes. My Conscious Aging workshops sure revealed to me how important it is to really love what you are doing!


Aging is a wondrous thing!  It does come with some wisdom…many things that my parents tried to share and I didn’t listen to them, but my greatest awareness or wisdom has been to discover the power of love…love of self, love of others, love of nature and love of the spirit that flows through all life. I still do not know what ‘God’ is or how life began, but that’s okay, I am accepting and so grateful for all my life experiences of ups and downs.  I may hold on to some ‘issues’ or anger from long ago but working on ‘letting go’.  The older I get I realize how foolish it is to hold on…hold on to what?  There is only the present moment.


So I am filling my days with doing things I like to do and serving in my community in small ways.  I am meeting new people who seem to ‘fit’ and ‘flow’ with me and what a blessing to be with them.  I am connecting with my old friends whom I love and there seems to be no separation in our love and friendship, it is always full of laughter and love and shared heart aches that life brings.  Each day my husband Ian and I enjoy the beauty of our area!

I have not given up on facilitating groups or sacred circles, but I am enjoying being part of a group where the younger women are facilitators and share their wisdom, challenges and hopes for the future.  Being an elder, a mother and a grandmother is a lovely thing and a time just to be who I am…after all these years of searching.  I think it is about accepting myself and seeing my beauty beyond the physical and what I am finding is that I am part of the mystery, part of the universe, part of creation and will always be…


doveInner Peace Reiki

My Service is now offering Inner Peace Reiki and Natural Sound Sessions with Peaceful Way spirituality that are bringing great results to my clients and to the horses that I offer Reiki to at Hope Haven Therapeutic Centre.  Please e-mail for an appointment goldenlightcentre@rogers.com   I will be offering Reiki II course soon, so please register.

What a colourful fall we are having in Meaford and Grey County.  But as I look out my window into the forest, I can see many bare trees and know it is a sign of colder weather ahead.  Nature prepares us, gives us signals, but often in our busy lives, we fail to notice signals that assist us to live a more loving and healthy life.

Something moves us to go deeper

and deeper into our consciousness

until we finally listen.

Then who we are is truly revealed.

Within, is a place of beauty

always presence

infinite wisdom

eternal love.

©Jane R.Brown


Let us share who we truly are. Now is the time.

I look forward to seeing you for a Reiki/Sound and/or Peaceful Way spiritual session,

May we all live with compassionate mindfulness and love each day,

Peacefully, Jane


Jane Rosalea Brown,BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master, IONS Conscious Aging

Author ~ In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation Author name Jane Rosalea Booth

Inner Peace Reiki with Jane Rosalea Brown, USUI Reiki Master

Reiki for Horses

Conscious Aging Program



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Meditation – Creative Healing Arts – Inspired Living

Join weekly Wednesday afternoon ‘Peaceful Way Workshop’ with Jane Robertson.  Register today – e-mail: janerobertson182@gmail.com

We gather to explore holistic (body-mind-spirit) topics and meditations that will awaken your consciousness, expand your intuitive abilities, relax your mind and body and deepen your spiritual awareness.

Learn through meditation to relax and calm your body and mind and discover how to bring more peace into your daily life. Each week enjoy various holistic topics, soulful music, chants, mantras, drumming, creative healing arts, sacred geometry to awaken your creative consciousness and personal well-being.

2015-02-16 13.58.23Jane Robertson, BA, CSW has worked for years with women who are on a spiritual path and are interested in personal empowerment and transformation. Her author name is Jane Rosalea Booth. She is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and USUI Reiki Practitioner and Teacher.

Register now for Fall Wednesday afternoons for the Peaceful Way workshops.

Time: Every Wednesday afternoon – 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m

After a summer break group begins September 16, 2015

Location: Jane’s home Meaford – directions with registration

Register Today – limited seating –

Contact Jane at : e-mail janerobertson182@gmail.com

Fee: $11.30 per workshop Visit

Looking forward seeing you at our Fall Peaceful Way Workshops,

Peacefully, Jane

2015-02-16 13.58.23About Jane: Jane Rosalea Booth-Robertson, BA, CSW, an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for meditation, inner peace and spiritual self-mastery. Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Workshops and Retreats.

IN SILENCE FRONT COVER sm Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. (Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth)

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How beautiful we feel in the presence of love.  Our spirits are lifted and the world becomes a gentler and more compassionate place.  The beauty of love is that not a word has to be spoken.  When it is present, all who are in a space where love is shared have the opportunity to embrace it and to fill their hearts with it.  Then the cycle of love occurs as love flows out from those hearts who have received it and a new space is created where love continues to flow, to heal, to bring joy in infinite ways. Create a loving space wherever you journey today!

Join me for Soul Collage Cards Workshops    

  Fun, Relaxing and Creative                  

 May 5th and May 12th Meaford Public Library 10:00 a.m. – noon

With Jane Booth Robertson Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Enjoy giving vision and voice to your inner wisdom with Soul Collage, a fun, relaxing and insightful creative process of creating a deck of collaged cards for your personal use. Anyone one can do it! You do not have to be an artist to create soul collage cards that you will treasure for years. You will be amazed by what your cards reveal to you!

  Fee: $20.00 (Includes materials and 2 workshops) Location: Meaford Public Library, 2nd floor Board Room 15 Trowbridge St. W. Meaford, ON Accessibility Notice:  Please be advised there is no elevator access to the Library board room or the Junior Library.

To Register: Call Meaford Public Library Ph.519-538-1060 x1123

E-mail: amy@meafordlibrary.on.ca

Peacefully, Jane

About Jane: Jane Rosalea Booth-Robertson, BA, CSW, an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery. Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. (Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats.

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There is something in music that transcends and unites. This is evident in the sacred music of every community…. music that expresses the universal yearning that is shared by people all over the globe.”
~ His Holiness The Fourteenth Dalai Lama

Peaceful Path Personal Sound Healing

 Sound was the earliest tool used by humans for vibrational healing. Mothers used their voices to calm their babies.  When a person was hurt, they groaned.  Our bodies are vibrating all the time as we are energy beings.  Sound is a vibration, moving in waves.  Wikipedia describes sounds as  “a traveling wave which is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gs, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations”.  When we pull a sting on a guitar, the strings next to it vibrates from the sound produced. In the same way, our body responds to sounds around us. Sound frequencies can be a wonderful healing tool.

We each have our own likes and dislikes of music.  We know that listening to loud sounds can damage our hearing.  However, soft sounds calm and relax us.  Music affects our emotions and evoke memories.  Dance music makes us want to move and be active.   We only have to be aware of the power of sound and use it as a key to healing and to assists us to know ourselves more fully as vibrational beings.  In my holistic natural sound therapy, I use sound – tuning forks, chants, toning, drumming, rattles, bells –  for personal healing and for my clients.


The drum is the earliest instrument to be used for healing and communication.  Today, scientists are learning the healing properties of drumming for use in heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer treatment.

Tuning Forks:

I use sound with my Reiki sessions as it relaxes and assists in balancing my clients’ energies centers, known as chakras.  Sound is a vibrational healing and I pass tuning forks over and around the body, the body responds to these vibrations by relaxing and calming.  When our bodies are calm, they can heal naturally.


Chanting has also been used since ancient times for healing.  Try chanting your own name or tone the vowel sounds – a, e, i,o,u  – and feel how your body responds.  Feel the sound stirring and awaking and illuminating each cell in your body.  Imagine each cell receiving love as you chant. The “Ohm” sound is wonderful to use as you begin to meditate as it opens your consciousness to the Divine as your body soothes and calms from this sound.  “Ahhh…is a sound for heart love.


Mantras are phrases or sentences that are repeated over and over.  The ancient Vedic teachings have many mantras to use for all areas of our lives.   I use simple ones that I make up.  Before I go to sleep I repeat “I am calm.  I am peace. I am calm. I am peace.”  Then, I drift off into a peaceful night’s sleep.  Each religion has its mantras to repeat.  Roman Catholic’s hold rosary beads as they repeat  mantras.  Hindus and Buddhist use mala beads as they repeat their sacred mantras.

Dance – Paneurhythmy

Dance has brought people together to celebrate in community throughout the ages.  Panueurhythmy is a community dance that lifts the spirit, exercises our bodies and brings us together in harmony with all life.

Paneurhythmy is a rhythmic dance exercise that helps connect to nature, to the universe and one another to bring joy into our lives.  It has been called the Dance of Life, Dance of the Soul, Dance of Joy.  It was created in the 1930’s by Peter Duenov in Bulgaria to bring more love and harmony to the Bulgarian people.  He saw this dance as way to bring people into unity, to exercise for their health, to be in touch with nature and to improve relationships with others so we may have peaceful communities.

The word PANEURHYTHMY is composed from three roots:

  • PAN universal
  • EV or EU and –supreme, the essence
  • RHYTHM –rightness in movementHere is a teaching video that was filmed in British Columbia. http://vimeo.com/51373222

    In June we will be gathering weekly to dance Paneurhythmy and learn new movements. Date and Time to be announced.

Finding your own Sound

You have a natural resonance (vibration) with the harmony of the Universe.  As you meditate, ask for your own sound(s) to use for your personal healing and well-being.  Listen…and you will receive a sound or words for you.  Find your own voice.  Sing your own song.

As I use the tuning forks with clients, I chant or tone intuitively.  Before each session, I ask that I will receive the sound that will assist my client.  I am always amazed at the sounds that I receive.  They are usually short words that have no meaning to me, such as tat or wha or tume and they flow together.  I’ve learned not to question what I receive but simply share them.  My clients love them and I always look forward to new mantras or chants that I receive.

Personal Sound Awareness

 Become aware of what music you are listening to each day.  Is it healthy for your body? As I was watching the TV program the Voice this  evening, I was very aware of what music resonated with my body.  Some were just too harsh and brash for me.   Use of swearing words in songs brings negativity, so watch your language.   Listen to the sounds in your daily life and think about how they are affecting your health.  Try to get rid of loud, harsh sounds as they are harmful.  Teens think is it cool to swear and be loud, but their bodies and souls are asking for peace and kindness.

Sound Energy and Reiki Sessions

I am available weekly for Sound/Reiki Sessions for energy balancing, relaxation and stress reduction.  I personalize the session with chants and toning to meet your needs. The sessions are 1 ½ hours in Meaford, Ontario Canada.  Please e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com  In the spring and summer months, I travel to nearby areas for home appointments for those who cannot travel.  Discover how vibrational healing can improve and sustain your health and well-being.  My fee is $50.00 per session plus HST.

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Robertson, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. (Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) http://www.peacefulpathretreat.wordpress.com  next retreat May 23-25/14 Register now. http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com


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If you look for the truth outside yourself,
It gets farther and farther away.

Today walking alone, I meet it everywhere I step.
It is the same as me, yet I am not it.

Only if you understand it in this way
Will you merge with the way things are.


Join my Peaceful Path Gathering every Wednesday afternoon 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. for expanding your spiritual awareness and self mastery.

Peacefully Jane

Author’s Bio:

Jane Rosalea Booth, BA, CSW, an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats.


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Loving kindness (Metta) Meditation with Sylvia Boorstein

Enjoy the blessings of this Loving kindness Meditation




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Peaceful Path Workshops

With Jane Rosalea Booth

Wednesday Afternoons – 1:30p.m. – 3:00 p.m.  Meaford, ON

Peaceful Path workshops will assist you to move through life with ease and peace. You will find more clarity to discover your life purpose and to create abundance and harmony.  Your health improves as you begin to feel better, more alive and excited to find new ways to create your dreams.

Each week, we  explore holistic (body-mind-spirit)  topics and meditations that will awaken your consciousness,  expand your intuitive abilities amd deepen your spiritual awareness.

Through meditation your body and mind begins to relax and calm and your learn how to integrate your true, authentic self  into your daily life.  Imagine…revealing who you truly are without fears or hesitations!

Explore and discover:

  • simple methods and tools for relaxation
  • mindfulness breathing that brings you into the moment
  • the holistic approach of the body-mind-spirit connection
  • ways to connect with your inner guidance to assist your spiritual awareness, personal growth and knowing
  • a deep connection to nature
  • a place of peace and knowing within

Jane Booth has worked for years with women who are on a spiritual path and desire to evolve more fully into their wholeness.  Join her for her Wednesday evening Peaceful Path workshops or she can arrange a time for an individual or group to meet at another time.

Contact Jane at : e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com to register for fall 2013 workshops. Meaford, Ontario

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As you bring light into your life, you begin to see just how needful it is for you to be balanced and to be in harmony, so that life can be one most beautiful song, harmonizing and in perfect pitch. Love is patient and kind. You need Patience to bring love to perfection. You need love to show compassion. Your journey to self mastery has been long and arduous and filled with the need for Patience. How many times have you heard the expression “ I can’t wait for the day to come.”? But as you have found with all the steps, each must be taken at its own time, within its own slot. Therefore all must be worked upon with the utmost of Patience, looking forward, seeing the light ahead, patiently pacing toward that light which signifies the ultimate aim in your journey to self mastery.

Patience is a small word, tying together all the loose ends to all the paths upon the journey of life. All the words of the book of life are such simple words, yet unless they are used together as one, the path will stretch to such great lengths, it will need all of your patience to traverse them.

How patient are you? Think back many years to the times you felt impatient. How would you or how do you feel in similar situations today?
If you can see that you have gained a measure of Patience over the years then try to see what has enabled you to achieve this. This may be useful to you in helping an impatient person to gain Patience. If you can’t see much improvement then take the time to work on this issue. Then notice how situations unfold with ease when you are patient.

In my book, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation, the butterfly is my symbol of Patience, as it showed me how each stage of our development must be experienced so it will mature into its radiant beauty.

May your peaceful path today be full of patience, compassion and understanding,

Peacefully, Jane

Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation e-book avaiable on http://www.amazon.com


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Peaceful Path Workshop

               For Women

With Jane Booth

Wednesday Evenings – 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meaford, ON

No matter where you are in you life at this time, this is the time to move more deeply and answer your soul’s calling.  Are you ready to take time to answer this call and have the support you need to create the new life that is awaiting you?

Peaceful Path workshops will assist you to move through life with ease and peace. You will find more clarity to discover your life purpose and to create abundance and harmony.  Your health improves as you begin to feel better, more alive and excited to find new ways to create your dreams.

To support you in activating your life purpose and expanding your soul’s mission, I am please to be offering The Peaceful Path Workshop for Women to meet your evolving needs.

Each week, we  explore holistic (body-mind-spirit)  topics and meditations that will awaken your consciousness,  expand your intuitive abilities amd deepen your spiritual awareness. Through meditation your body and mind begins to relax deeply and calm.  You learn how to integrate your true, authentic self  into your daily life.

Explore and discover:

  • simple methods and tools for relaxation
  • mindfulness breathing that brings you into the moment
  • the holistic approach of the body-mind-spirit connection
  • ways to connect with your inner guidance to assist your spiritual awareness, personal growth and knowing
  • a deep connection to nature
  • a place of peace and knowing within
  • inner peace, harmony and joy

Many of you have come to a place of peace, and are ready now to share it with others.  Some of you are transforming quickly with life changes and challenges.  Others are awakening to their new gifts and talents.  Now is the time to become aware of your self-mastery,  inner potential and evolving consciousness that bring

Jane Booth has worked for years with women who are on a spiritual path and desire to evolve more fully into their wholeness.  Join her for her Wednesday evening Peaceful Path workshops or she can arrange a time for an individual or group to meet at another time.

Contact Jane at : e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com to register for fall workshops, 2012. Meaford, Ontario

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Usui Reiki

The healing and relaxation power of Reiki always amazes me.  Clients experience a deep meditative state and experience a calm feeling during the session.  Each client’s experience is unique and meets their needs. I am offering private sessions in Meaford, ON, during the summer.  Please see below for details.  Reiki Classes will be offered in the fall.  Book now for the fall sessions.

Reiki Symbols The word Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is made up from two Japanese words “rei” meaning for universal life and “ki” meaning life force energy. Reiki is a Japanese holistic, light-touch, energy-based modality. It is a powerful natural system that unlocks the inner flow of vital energy. It is an individual experience that assists the body to restore and balance natural energy. In a natural, balanced state the body can heal itself.A Reiki session is unique to each person as a natural system that unlocks the inner flow of vital energy in a safe and non-invasive manner. It restores and balances the body. Some people experience warmth, or coolness but most have a experience a deep meditation and feeling of calm and peace and their body relaxed. Some people feel a deep emotional release and a better sense of clarity.I am trained as a Reiki Master in the USUI Reiki tradition founded by Dr. Mikao Usui in the late 1800’s in Japan. Reiki enhances all levels – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual – uniting our wholeness with all life.


Just for today,
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to my neighbours and all living things

Reiki/Natural Sound Sessions

In this session you receive both Reiki and Sound Energy Dynamics, two vibrational modalities that promote energy balancing and relaxation. The combination of these modalities creates a session that deeply relaxes, calms your body and promotes natural healing. As far as I know, I am the only practitioner in the Meaford area that is offering this combination of Reiki and Sound Energy Dynamics.

Location: Golden Light Centre for Well-Being Inc. Meaford, ON

Available Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday Fee: $50.00 plus HST  1 1/2 hour session

REIKI Certificate Classes

Learn to share Reiki with others and enhance your own well-being.

USUI Reiki I Certificate Class

Saturday, September 18, 2010, Fee: $150 plus HST

USUI Reiki II Certificate Class

Sunday, September 19, 2010, Fee: $150 plus HST

To register e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com

Jane Booth Robertson, BA, CSW, M.Div

Reiki Master, Canadian Reiki Association Teacher

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