
Posts Tagged ‘A Peaceful Way’

Welcome to 2024!

I loved all the New Year Wishes from my friends and family. New Year’s Eve was quiet for us. We had a seafood dinner and then settled in for the evening to watch New Year’s Eve tv programs. What I loved best was Paul Anka, in Times Square, NY, singing “My Way” that he changed to “Our Way” to encourage peace and love. Then he sang “Imagine” by John Lennon. It was lovely and encouraging to have hope for our future. Paul Anka was a teenage idol of mine!

So on this New Year’s Day, I am so grateful for my dear family and friends who fill my life everyday with love and compassion so “we can live as ONE”.

I began to take acrylic painting lessons last September. Creating something new is a wonderful way to heal and to lift our spirit! That is why I love to create a Peaceful Way Gathering for Women each year. I love our Sacred Circle where we create a beautiful, heartfelt mandala! We begin with bowls of natural items and each person helps to create our ‘wheel of wholeness and harmony”. As we sit around our mandala we share our inner most thoughts, pray and meditate, dance and sing. Then understanding, laughter, sometimes tears, compassion and love always flows.

I know that there are millions of creative, loving people in the world who will create a better world for us to live in harmony. I believe this is possible…light and love always outshines darkness.

I thank all those who come to my blog and wish you a Very Happy New Year 2024 filled with good health, happiness and peace. May we who follow ‘a peaceful way’ keep on our journey, supporting one another and creating peace and love in our own families and communities in ‘your way’!

Happy New Year everyone.

Peacefully, Jane

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Do you love the sound of a rippling river or stream? I live in an area that is blessed by many rivers that wind their way towards Georgian Bay. My husband and I love to spend our mornings sitting on the banks of these rivers sipping a coffee or tea. The riverside is a wonderful place to enjoy rippling waters and changing seasons. We take time to meditate, each in our own sacred space and listen…

A few years ago, I came upon the Japanese style of poetry called Haiku, A Haiku is a short, unrhymed poem that adheres to a specific three-line, seventeen-syllable format. But as I explored Haiku I realized that this was an intriguing form of poetry where there is much to learn about its form and meaning. You can find out lots about Haiku from poet Neena Singh ~ https://thehaikufoundation.org/new-to-haiku-advice-for-beginners-neena-singh/ New to Haiku: Advice for Beginners – Neena Singh

I thought Haiku is about connecting with nature and feelings that arise. But Neena explains in her article..

.I have learned much from attending Michael Dylan Welch‘s presentation at the Japan Fair. He says that instead of writing about our reactions to stimuli, in a good haiku we should write about those things that cause our reactions. If our haiku take advantage of this technique, our readers can experience the same feelings we felt, without our having to explain them. I find this advice valuable.

Thank you Neena!

I call these poems my Riverside Haiku....regardless if they are true Haiku or not, writing these small three lined poems expanded my experience by the river…


morning rhythm ripples

heron in silence


stream rushes

sparkles on the water

a way home


river bends

homeward bound

front door opens



matters for eternity

unsolved puzzle



ever renewal

river flows


By Jane Rosalea Brown, May, 2023

If you like to write poetry, explore Haiku….it is fascinating! My deepest gratitude to Neena Singh for inspiring me to share my poems and for your generous sharing of your knowledge of Haiku. I love your beautiful Haiku poetry.

Have fun with your Haiku!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

Neena can be contacted via:

Twitter – @NeenaSingh7
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/neenas
Instagram – @neenapp

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John O’Donohue was an Irish poet, author and teacher of Celtic spirituality As we have just experienced the Vernal Equinox with equal amount of daylight and night, his blessing poem for Equilibrium is a lovely way to welcome our New Moon today. The New Moon a great time to set new intentions and to align yourself with the direction of your soul’s growth as we move into the freshness of Spring.

“For Equilibrium, a Blessing:
Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.

As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity by lightened by grace.

Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.

As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.

As silence smiles on the other side of what’s said,
May your sense of irony bring perspective.

As time remains free of all that it frames,
May your mind stay clear of all it names.

May your prayer of listening deepen enough
to hear in the depths the laughter of god.”

― John O’Donohue,

From To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

Happy New Moon and Spring Blessings,

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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A Guest Article by

By Thea Vouitiritsas,

~ “10 Vivid Haikus to Leave You Breathless”

Traditional and structured, this short form of Japanese poetry is well-known for its rule of 5/7/5: five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five again in the third. Haikus are known for their ability to paint a vivid picture in just a few words. A practice of artistic discipline, their minimal nature forces writers to pare down to only the essentials—making each word, or even syllable, count.

“The Old Pond” by Matsuo Bashō

An old silent pond

A frog jumps into the pond—

Splash! Silence again.

This traditional example comes from Matsuo Bashō, one of the four great masters of Haiku. Historically, haikus are a derivative of the Japanese Hokku. Hokkus are collaborative poems which follow the 5/7/5 rule. They are meant to comment on the season or surroundings of the authors and create some sort of contrasting imagery separated by a kireji or “cutting word” (like “Splash!”).

“A World of Dew” by Kobayashi Issa

A world of dew,

And within every dewdrop

A world of struggle.

Though sometimes, the kireji comes at the end of a haiku to give it a sense of closure. Kobayashi Issa, another great Haiku master, writes this stirring poem that places the kireji at the end. Translated, Issa’s haiku doesn’t meet the 5/7/5 rule, but its power remains.

“Lighting One Candle” by Yosa Buson

The light of a candle

Is transferred to another candle—

Spring twilight

Haikus focus on a brief moment in time, juxtaposing two images, and creating a sudden sense of enlightenment. A good example of this is haiku master Yosa Buson’s comparison of a singular candle with the starry wonderment of the spring sky.

“A Poppy Blooms” by Katsushika Hokusai

I write, erase, rewrite

Erase again, and then

A poppy blooms.

Katsushika Hokusai, a disciple of Bashō, writes another powerful haiku that translation cannot accurately capture. In it, he compares a written poem to a blooming poppy. He uses imagery of the spring season to describe his writing process.

“Over the Wintry” by Natsume Sōseki

Over the wintry

Forest, winds howl in rage

With no leaves to blow.

A slightly more modern Japanese poet, Natsume Sōseki, likens his breath to the wind in this haunting haiku. He learned the art of composing haikus from one of the four great haiku masters: Masaoka Shiki. As the art of the haiku traveled west, influential American writers like Ezra Pound picked up the craft.

“In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;

Petals on a wet, black bough.

Describing the Paris Underground, “In a Station of the Metro” is often considered the first haiku written in English, though it does not follow the 5/7/5 structure. As Pound believed that superfluous words tend to dull an image, the philosophy of the Haiku is perfectly up his alley.

“The Taste of Rain” by Jack Kerouac

The taste

Of rain

—Why kneel?

Jack Kerouac proposed that, because the English language structure is different than Japanese, the western haiku should “simply say a lot in three short lines in any Western language. Above all, a Haiku must be very simple and free of all poetic trickery and make a little picture and yet be as airy and graceful as a Vivaldi Pastorella.” In Book of Haikus, Kerouac experiments this formal and freestyle.

Many western authors like to break with the 5/7/5 rule, but maintain the power, simplicity, and brevity.

Sonia Sanchez “Haiku [for you]”

love between us is

speech and breath. loving you is

a long river running.

Known for her innovative use of traditional formats like haiku in a modern context, even infusing them with bluesy rhythm, Sonia Sanchez received high praise for her collection Morning Haiku. In its opening essay, Sanchez expresses her deep appreciation for haiku as an art form.

Ravi Shankar “Lines on a Skull”

life’s little, our heads

sad. Redeemed and wasting clay

this chance. Be of use.

A slightly darker take on the art of haiku, “Lines on a Skull” is inspired by Lord Byron’s “Lines Inscribed Upon a Cup formed from a Skull.” Poet Ravi Shankar distills this late seventeenth-century poet’s words into a more modern, potent, and visceral version.  

Joyce Clement “Birds Punctuate the Days”


One blue egg all summer long

Now gone

Poet Joyce Clement currently serves as a director of the Haiku Circle in Northfield, Massachusetts and co-editor of Frogpond, the journal of The Haiku Society of America; the title, a gentle nod to haiku master Bashō.

By Thea Vouitiritsas, April 18, 2019 http://www.read poetry.com


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There is a new moon in our skies this evening. What I like to do as a New Moon rises each month is to see it as a sign of a time to renew and to begin something new. The New Moon is said to be a great time to state new intentions…things you desire or new actions in your life style…like a healthy diet or more exercise! Each of us have our own desires and dreams.

So here are 10 Guidelines to help you create New Moon Intentions!

  1. Kick-start your intentions by asking yourself “What do I truly value?” What is really important to me today?
  2. Don’t be too serious. Keep your thoughts light!
  3. Pause for some time to reflect. Meditation or some time in a quiet spot can bring clarity and peace. Gaze at the new moon!
  4. You can have long range intentions or things that you can start today!
  5. Intentions are very personal. Tap into how they feel in your heart. What will create more happiness in your life? Your heart’s intuition will guide you to your best choices.
  6. Allow room for your intentions to grow. They aren’t necessarily ‘fixed’ choices. But some may be as an intention for “choosing a healthy life style.”
  7. Some people like to create a ritual. Write your intention on a piece of paper…fold it up…hold it in your hand and think about it…throw it into a fire or put it in a special place, like a small altar with your favourite things.
  8. Let go of old thoughts and outcomes. Making a change through creating an intention can mean releasing our old ways and behaviours.
  9. Set an intention to be open…to be guided…to feel the support of your loved ones, friends and feel the Universal love that flows through your heart. Feel your heart fill with gratitude. Gratitude transforms us!
  10. Feel the excitement that making changes brings. Sometimes we are afraid of change but by taking time to make wise intentions you will make good choices!

Here are a couple of my New Moon intentions:

I intend not to stress over Christmas preparations…to have a simple, family gathering.

I intend to walk faster on my morning walks.

I intend to release old relics and “stuff”, things that are stored away…to create a home with spaces. (I did begin today throwing out some ‘stuff” in our garbage pickup…recycled!)

I intend to relax…these are my elder times…each day is precious!

May the New Moon bless your intentions and may our dark and dreary November days be lightened by our heart-centered intentions!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW,

A Peaceful Way ~ Creative Spirituality for Well-Being

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author name, Jane Rosalea Booth


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There is always something special about seeing the radiance of the full moon.  It evokes our hearts to open and to think about love. The full moon is a time of completions, of letting go of what isn’t working for us and to think of new possibilities.  It is a time to meditate on what has meaning in our lives…what brings us joy…and how can we share our love more fully.  Enjoy the enchantment of the November full moon!

Love O'Donohue

“All the possibilities of your human destiny are asleep in your soul. You are here to realize and honor these possibilities. When love comes in to your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time.” ~ John O’Donohue

I love John O’Donohue’s words “Possibility is the secret heart of time.” There are always so many choices and possibilities in our lives.  Yet, when dark times appear we narrow our vision and our hope seems to dim.  But O’Donohue knew from his experiences of ‘staying in love’ that we can discover the answers we need to our make good choices by being in touch with our spiritual self, our soul.  Meditation helps us to experience our inner love, our place of peace within where for a few moments we can experience a spaciousness that feels full of love.  In meditation we meet our soul friend, our true self, and that moment is full of awesome wonder.

Each of us must find or discover what our life purpose is. What is it that we love to do and brings us joy? Whatever lifts your spirit can awaken you to have a new perspective. No matter what your age is, you can find something that lifts you.  Love is the key to experiencing more joy. Love works!  It gives us deeper connection with all beings, all animals and nature. It shows us the beauty…and then we can create our own beauty.  “Stay in love’…be love… and all possibilities will unfold for you..

May the days to come be full of magical times full of love and joy!




Jane2 (469x640)

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator.

IN SILENCE FRONT COVER smJane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation.(Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth)

Inner Peace Reiki: http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com



And so Fall Begins

And so Fall begins today with the Fall Equinox revealing the meaning of balance with almost the same amount of daylight and night time…and I see a few trees beginning to show their lovely reds and golden tones. Yesterday, the winds whirled and howled…felt like something was stirring up, but this morning on this first day of the fall season, everything is quiet except for the occasional rain falling, cleansing and refreshing.  I am taking some time for myself to meditate, reflect and dream…summer-sun-yellow-spring

I love the poetry of Mary Oliver who had a wonderful way of connecting everyday life with her love of nature and weaving her spiritual thoughts through her words. This poem resonates with me on this Fall Equinox, 2019…

“What Can I Say” – Mary Oliver

What can I say that I have not said before?
So I’ll say it again.
The leaf has a song in it.
Stone is the face of patience.
Inside the river there is an unfinishable story
and you are somewhere in it
and it will never end until all ends.

Take your busy heart to the art museum and the
chamber of commerce
but take it also to the forest.
The song you heard singing in the leaf when you
were a child
is singing still.
I am of years lived, so far, seventy-four,
and the leaf is singing still.

~ “What Can I Say” from Swan by Mary Oliver ~

Here is a  quote by poet Mary Oliver about balance- both the spiritual and the life of this world need our attention- :

“I definitely believe that. And I think if you skimp on one or the other, you’re not getting the whole show. You have to be in the world to understand what the spiritual is about, and you have to be spiritual in order to truly be able to accept what the world is about.”

Enjoy your busy day take time to listen to a ‘leaf singing’ its song!  Find some quiet time for reflection, listening to the songs of nature. May you find balance between your work, your play and your connection with nature.

Enjoy the unfolding beauty of fall,

Peacefully, Jane


Let’s Tone Up and Calm down


Yesterday, I went for a hearing test and not to my surprise, I was told I have a ‘minor’ hearing loss. But I was also told my hearing will never get better than what it is now.  I was grateful for the hearing test but I do believe that our cells can heal.

So I am going to begin a daily program of ‘toning’.  Along with my tuning forks that I offer in my Reiki/Sound sessions, I am adding vocal toning exercises. I have used toning for years but I must admit I have not been consciously toning for awhile.  So I will begin again!  Any kind of spiritual or healing practice takes commitment and time each day. It is easy to get busy and ignore our own self!

Here are a few exercises to begin my toning practices that you may enjoy! I do them as I begin to meditate or sometimes on my morning walk.  Toning helps me to be calm, relaxed and hopefully will stimulate my left and right brain’s communication! Our cells need us to be calm and rested to heal.

Tonal Exercises

1.Stay with the rhythm of your heart and begin to hum…a low hum for a few minutes.  Then sit quietly and when you are ready hum for a few more minutes.

2. Then add a higher hum…then low hum…the higher hum…for a few minutes.  Caution! Your mind will tell you to stop and that this is silly.  Keep toning! What you are doing is getting into the rhythm of your own voice, mind and heart.  This is a tonal exercise and it stimulates all our cells and they respond to it.

3. You can tone the sound…hah…then ah..then ah…hah..  Also make sounds that feel good to you.  Who knows your body, mind and heart better than you.

4 Try out various tones and see what ones feel good for you.  When I meditate, I often ask “What tone do I need today” and I will hear a tone…

5 Try toning a vowel sounds..a,e,i,o,u.   So ‘a’ can tone a short a…ah or a long a vowel …a (says its name).

6. Try low toning sound and move higher to see what feels best.

Toning is Awesome!

Sound toning as you meditate is awesome!  Take some simple steps to remember the tones that your body, mind and spirit like!  Each day do one small thing you like to do.  Listen to music that calms if you are anxious or with a beat if you are feeling down.

There are many tonal exercises but the most simple are the best.  Toning opens the communication between our left brain and right brain.  It stimulates all our cells to vibrate at a higher, healthier vibration.  Over the centuries we have lost our innate healing abilities. I also love drumming and chanting! People have been drumming, chanting and toning from ancient times. Let’s return to the simplicity of our own tones.  Return to simplicity in everything we do.

Enjoy your daily ‘tune up’!

Peacefully, Jane


Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator.

IN SILENCE FRONT COVER smJane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation.(Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) Inner Peace Reiki: http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com







Take the sacred voyage into more of who you are

and who you came here to be.

This sacred voyage has the potential to lead you somewhere beautiful!

It takes us into true living, whole living where we experience sacred presence within everything we do – in our mind, body and heart

Sacred Voyage is a weekly gathering for those who welcome deeper meaning and spiritual connection through meditation, prayer and spiritual practices. Each week you will be offered home practices.

Choose the Sacred Voyage! Let ourselves voyage beyond ourselves, into the unknown in our depths within…and there, the loving heart of the world awaits us. We invite presence to be with us to develop our soul for a fulfilling life and a loving heart.

Date: Thursday evenings 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm. Beginning September 19th.
Meaford, ON Directions given on registration

Sacred Voyage One – 4 weeks
Sacred Voyage Two Oct.17th – 4 weeks
Sacred Voyage Three Nov. 14th – 4 weeks
Each Sacred Voyage $80.00

I am looking forward to offering spiritual practices and meditations that you can integrate into your daily life.

To register: please e-mail me at: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com by Sept.10/19.

In your silence is your knowing

With changing perception comes a new view

Transforming, blossoming with tenderness

Filled with creative thoughts within your sacred space

Emerging as abundant success and joy!

from In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator.

IN SILENCE FRONT COVER smJane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation.(Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) Inner Peace Reiki: http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com





For years, during my meditation, I have listen to my inner voice. I began to record what I heard and I called them my ‘messages’. The message I am sharing today gave me the title for my book “In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation.” I love it still as it helps me as reminder not to hold on to thoughts, regrets or anger from the past. A good message, especially as I age and desire a time of peace. Allow light and love to embrace and to heal your mind and body each day! Listen ‘in silence’ for your messages to guide you.

The Light shines beyond the shadow
Move gently, my child, with grace
Be peaceful, tranquil, and joyous
Dance in the merriment
Feel your heart song singing
Lifting you to new heights
Discard that which no longer serves

Be still, listen
In peace and serenity
In silence, for messages of love

From In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

It is a time to let go of the past and receive new thoughts and gifts into your life!  Be who you truly are! Beautiful you!

The full moon is radiating beautiful light to you.full moon 1

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master

IN SILENCE FRONT COVER smJane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation.(Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) Inner Peace Reiki: http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com


Tell me your secret!

Secretly we spoke,

that wise one and me. I said,

Tell me the secrets of the world.

He said, Shhh

Let silence tell you

the secrets of the world

~ Rumi

Explore your inner knowing to discover the ‘secrets of the world’ through daily meditation.  You will be amazed by what is revealed to you when you relax, quiet your mind and listen to your heart.  A wise person once said to me that I already have all the tools…the canvas, the paint and the brushes…to create the world I want.

We also have all the ‘secrets’ within to allow our true being to evolve into a loving, creative and peaceful person.  The world needs each of us to make this transformation.  Allow the wisdom you hear, see or feel during your meditations to assist you in your daily life.

Bring your wisdom and light into the world…don’t keep is a ‘secret’ any longer. Tell me your secret!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Booth

Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master

IN SILENCE FRONT COVER smJane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation.(Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) Inner Peace Reiki: http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com

Do you remember saying to your Grandmother or Mother “Tell me a story.”? What is your favourite story from your childhood? I loved Peter Pan! The idea of being able to fly around was just so magical and wonderful to me.  The idea of staying young and playing with my friends appealed to me too!

My mother read a story to me every night.  As I got older, I read to myself every night. Sometimes I’d take a flashlight and hide under my blankets and read!  I remember my mother catching me reading when I was suppose to be asleep hours ago!! Flashlight out!

So I loved reading to my children and going to the library with them.  Now, I am enjoying my time with my grandson and reading stories to him.  He loves stories too!  He knows his nursery rhymes but has new characters that he loves too like Thomas the train and the Paw Patrol gang.

But learning to listen and to move into a story while we are listening still fascinates me.  Telling a story is an art.  To be a good storyteller, we have to feel the story too!

Last summer, I was fortunate to participate in an Elder/Youth program at M’Wikendong native centre in Owen Sound. There we learned how stories were passed down through generations by the Elders.  Stories of creation, myths that taught morals, and history.  We all had an opportunity to share a traditional indigenous tale or write a story of our own.  Then we shared our stories.  We tried to tell them orally, without looking at our written words.

However, this storytelling project took me even farther.  I decided that I would create pictures to go with my story…like a children’s storybook!  Well, I am not an artist so my artwork took me back to my childhood and I had great fun.  I used pastel crayons and watercolour pencils.  It was so much fun. I let go of wanting my art to look ‘grown up’ and was happy with my childlike creations.

I shared a story that I wrote called, “A Shift in View”.  It is a story about a young girl who was afraid to go away to college. She was an art student.  Every summer Susie went to visit her Grandmother’s house in the country woods,  and no, she didn’t meet the big, bad wolf!!  But she did see a Heron who gave her a new view about how to cope with her new life as a fine arts student in a far away college.

heron still

One thing always leads to another!  My friend, Marilyn and I decided to create a storytelling gathering in Meaford.  We held our first on May 7th.  What a fun time at our 1st “Stories by the Fireside” gathering.  All kinds of stories flowed…myths, Indigenous, children and family stories, war stories, and we shared our everyday life stories! We added a dash of song, music, drumming and lots of laughter!  Thanks to all the storytellers and listeners who were awesome!

If you live far away from Meaford, but have a story you’d like to share with me, e-mail me at goldenlightcentre@rogers.com  I will pass it on to our storytelling gathering.

This is the beauty of storytelling- a good story that is strong enough, that is vibrant and true enough, stays alive when it comes through us and is shared with others,

Hope you can join us for our next “Stories by the Fireside”, June 4th, 7pm-9pm, Meaford.  Please e-mail to book your seat and directions. Thanks e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com Subject: storytelling  or Private Message me on Facebook on Stories by the Fireside page.


Peacefully, Jane

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Today I welcome guest writer, Julie Redstone, “Movements of the Heart”


Julie Redstone
The human heart exists in beauty and in limitation.  Its beauty lies in the fact that it is capable of great love, great tenderness, and great vulnerability.  It’s limitation lies in the same fact.  Yet, the limitation of today is the expansion of tomorrow, as the heart begins to feel a greater Love moving within itself, and as it awakens more fully to its own power of expression.

The love that the human heart calls its own, the love that it seeks in order to satisfy its desires and hold at bay the sense of loneliness that would exist without it – such love is only a small portion of what the human heart is capable of.  Because of its need for self-protection, and because it perceives itself to be small when, in fact, it is quite large, the human heart fastens on the one love that it hopes will nourish its life and fill its empty spaces, instead of the larger Love that would restore to it the experience of its own wholeness.

The heart has been taught to expect certain things of life and to give certain things to life.  In this sense, it is influenced by current perceptions regarding the nature of relationships and the nature of love, and no longer knows its own potential.  It no longer realizes the vastness from which it came.  Such a heart often goes through its days confined within a small sphere of contact with others, not perceiving its relationship to the greater Whole, not perceiving the great Heart of humanity that beats within its own.  It therefore, understandably, seizes upon the experience of ‘falling in love’ with one other as the central experience of life, because this event lets it know more fully than anything else, what it means to be truly alive.

Yet, even this experience of love which is so profoundly moving and enriching to life can also be limiting.  It can limit the knowledge of what love IS, believing it to be embodied within one relationship, whereas in truth the intensity of love, the depth of love, the joy of love, and the tenderness of love, are part of what it means to be alive. These qualities belong to Love itself, and to the deeper nature of the heart as it brings its essence into everyday experience.

With a more awakened heart, it is possible to be deeply in love with life.  It is possible to deeply love one’s own being.  It is possible to become identified with love to such a degree that one wants to extend it everywhere.  These possibilities exist but must be awakened within the human heart.  They exist, but they must be perceived as real. 

The relationship with a beloved partner is one expression of limitless love. Such a relationship is often singled out among all others and asked to compensate the self for what is lacking in the rest of life. However, love is not meant to be confined within such small quarters.  For the deepest bonds of love between two who love resonate with the great harmonic of the universe.  They resonate with the music of Creation.  They are part of that Creation, and can only find their truest and most complete expression when experienced as part of a greater Whole.  Indeed, a complete partnership in love will seek to reach out to others – will seek to reach out to the world in order to bless it.  Part of this naturally happens through bringing new life into the world – through children and the contribution they make to the future.  Another part happens through the extension of love directly – through one’s conscious participation in the great circle of Life.

Many who love today still believe that love is limited and that there is not enough to go around.  Therefore, one must concentrate on the few who are the closest – on children, parents, family. and friends.  This perception of love is based on a heart that does not yet know itself.  It is based on past learning, not on what actually is. The perception of the smallness of the human heart arises out of the history of separation from the wellspring of Infinite Love and the Spirit that dwells within all.  Nevertheless, this well remains, and the water is still there.  And those who look for it will find it within and can allow it to enrich the life that they lead. 

For each human heart holds within itself a spark of the Divine.  And each human heart is capable of embracing not only others, but its own existence as well. This is the love out of which the human heart has been fashioned which contains the Divine within the human. This is the love that is meant to encircle the earth, and to restore and nourish all of life.



Writings by Julie on the Light Omega website are meant to be freely offered to the world, coming from the Divine plane of Spirit that seeks to nourish, awaken, and support all beings on their spiritual journey.  May they find their place in your heart and soul, and in your sharing with others may they be treated with the sacredness with which they were created. 

In this spirit, you are invited to share these writings with others in any way you wish to or are guided to, with the exception of the images on this website which need to be treated differently.

When sharing these writings, please create a link back to this website with the following credit:


[Title of article, calendar, newsletter, poem, or message] – by Julie


Blessings in the light of holiness that is creating new life for the Earth. 

Related Writings:

The Heart’s Journey

An Absence of Strangers

Peacefully, Jane


A Peaceful Way, the way of the heart

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master,

You Can Make Hope Happen! Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding and Wellness Centre

Author ~ In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation Author name Jane Rosalea Booth

Inner Peace Reiki with Jane Rosalea Brown, USUI Reiki Master

Reiki for Horses

Join me on Twitter @janerbooth

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It is a cold day here in Meaford and the snow squalls are blowing by our windows.  For my meditation this morning, I listened and watched the beautiful photos in a video that has a beautiful song by Bliss called “Love, Peace and Wisdom”.  My thoughts after meditating were that wisdom is not something we seek, but what we become when we love deeply and love becomes our way of being in each moment. It is then we experience peace in the our life.

May this song lift your heart and bring some peace on this winter’s day.

Here is the link to the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp_Ewn6iQSM&t=95s

Bliss – Love Peace and Wisdom lyrics

If Love were a bird, I would stroke her bright feathers
Then I’d watch her fly free, cross the still of the dawn

And if Peace were a mountain, we’d gather around her
To bathe in her silence, her power, her call

If Wisdom could sing or whisper his secrets
Eternity teaching the ways of the free

In my mind I can see them, I hear them and I feel them
For Love, Peace and Wisdom are all part of me

If Love has her freedom, and Peace her expression,
Surely Wisdom will grow like a flower in bloom

The seed has been planted, and tended and watered
By the prayers of the hopeful and the tears of the brave

We long to return to that place of still waters
And sit on the banks under some shady tree

In my mind I can see it, I hear it and I feel it
And Love, Peace and Wisdom are all that we need

Some call me a dreamer, some will call me a seeker
One who follows her stars on a quest for the truth

But every believer holds a deep hidden memory
Of a time when the earth was a flower in bloom

We long to return to that place of still waters
And sit on the banks under some shady tree

In my mind I can see it, I hear it and I believe it
And Love, Peace and Wisdom are the three golden keys

Peacefully, Jane


A Peaceful Way, the way of the heart

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master,

You Can Make Hope Happen! Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding and Wellness Centre

Author ~ In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation Author name Jane Rosalea Booth

Inner Peace Reiki with Jane Rosalea Brown, USUI Reiki Master

Reiki for Horses

Join me on Twitter @janerbooth

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This is one of my favourite poems by Rumi.  The last two lines express the power of love when we listen in silence.  We live in a world where words are used in great abundance. We are bombarded with them everyday.  But how special is it when someone simply looks at you and you can feel their love…no words only feelings.  Rumi says we must be quiet to ‘let love speak from the nest of silence.’

Rumi allows each person to interpret what the ‘nest of silence’ is…but says love comes with a hundred blessings!  Love is the key to happiness, compassion and inner peace and when we live from our heart, we are truly blessed in so many ways.  Yet, Rumi reminds us of how tender love is and we must take care so we do not chase it away.Slide1

Hundred Blessings – Rumi

When Love comes suddenly and taps
on your window, run and let it in,
but first shut the door of your reason,
even the smallest hint chases love away,
like smoke that drowns the freshness
of the morning breeze.

To reason, Love can only say
the way is barred, you can’t pass through,
but to the lover it offers a hundred blessings.
Before the mind decides to take a step,
Love has reached the seventh heaven.
Love has climbed the Holy Mountain.
I must stop this talk now and let
Love speak from its nest of silence

Peacefully, Jane


Jane Rosalea Brown,BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master, IONS Conscious Aging

Author ~ In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation Author name Jane Rosalea Booth

Inner Peace Reiki with Jane Rosalea Brown, USUI Reiki Master

Reiki for Horses

Conscious Aging Program

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This morning I was looking at a book on Auguste Rodin, the French sculptor who is generally considered the progenitor of modern sculpture.  I have had it for over 25 years.  I opened it at the page about the passionate love story of Rodin and Camille Claudel who was his lover, student and assistant. (Rodin also had a lover named Rose and many other affairs) She was 20 years younger than Rodin and only 18 when they met. I became intrigued by their relationship t-hat greatly influenced both their works.
220px-Camille_Claudel Camille Claudel (1863-1943)
 Camille was a woman who was a brilliant sculptor but eventually mental illness took over. She became paranoid that Rodin was copying her works.
Her passion for Rodin is seen in the photograph of her bronze “The Waltz”. Interesting that her erotic art sculptures were looked down upon because she was woman, but Rodin’s works that also shocked the art world were accepted and praised. Rodin bequeathed a room for Camille’s works in the Rodin Museum, but they did not make it into the Rodin Museum till 1953!  The national Camille Claudel Museum in Nogent-sur-Seine opened in 2017, and the Musée Rodin in Paris has a room dedicated to Claudel’s works.
camille claudel The Waltz Rodin
Rodin’s work caught my attention a few years ago after the Ghost Ranch visit.  I watched a documentary on Alfred Steiglitz, Georgia O’Keeffe’s husband, who showed some of Rodin’s works in his New York studio. Georgia O’Keeffe was determined to be free of Steiglitz’s control and lived on the Ghost Ranch for years, but she remained married to him and Steiglitz promoted O’Keeffe’s art. Unlike Camille, O’Keeffe’s works flourished and evolved till she was in her 90’s!
But it was Camille’s story that touched my heart this morning…so I thought I’d pass it on to my artistic readers. It shows how hard it has been for women to express freely who we truly are. Camille broke away from Rodin’s dominance, but unfortunately could not sustain her creativity for very long. She died in 1943 after 30 years in a mental institution.
If you are interested here is a link to more of Camille’s sculptures and story:
Art is sacred breath and soul…expressing who we are…let it flow in and out whatever way you desire…
Peacefully, Jane

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