
Posts Tagged ‘love’

Happy Earth Day 2024!

Can you see yourself as a Guardian of our Earth who assists in its healing and its peacemaking?  You do not have to wait till Earth Day to connect to Mother Earth and make your commitment to assist our planet and humanity today.  Let us make our world a greener and more balanced, peaceful place to live.  I can make a difference each day and so can you.

You may wonder what you can do to assist our planet and humanity.  Here are some powerful steps to get you started:

1. Visualize each day how you would like your world to be.

2. Put all your energy into positive good thoughts and let negative thoughts fall away.  Positive thoughts attract positive happenings and positive energies.  Your thoughts and actions are important to all of us.

3. Feel your peace within and know that this is the truth.

4. Extend that peace to all you meet by viewing each person, plant and animal as a Beloved one who deeply connects with you.

5. Send thoughts, prayers of love and peace to all by expanding your prayers to include everything on our planet.

6. Feel the love in your heart touching the hearts of everyone, every thing on the planet.

Remember your feelings create your manifestations.  As you integrate into your life the actions that will assist all humanity, you will begin to feel a beautiful connection to all, a natural connection that blossoms and expands through love. Your daily life will transform immediately if you take these six steps. Begin within yourself to feel the connection with the earth and spread that love to others. 

On this day, think about conscious actions you can take in your life to become a Guardian of our Earth

– take the bus to work

– compost your garbage

– use less water or grow a vegetable garden or begin a community garden

-pick up trash in your neighborhood

– turn off your lights that you are not using

There are many ways to improve the quality of our Earth. Make a list with your children and family. Share it with you friends. What are you going to do to show how much you care?

Thank you for being a Guardian of our Earth. Let us be so thankful for our beautiful planet!

“Look deep into nature, then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein

Peacefully Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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December is a season filled with sacredness for many religions. For me, I celebrate the return of longer days of light at Winter Solstice and Christmas, a day to celebrate the birth of light and love…a Christed light that guides me. It is a sacred time to open my heart and be truly grateful for all my blessings. It is a time to connect with my dear friends and gather with my family for precious moments as we open gifts and enjoy delicious meals. 

This year my prayers are for all the families who are suffering in wars. I pray for peace and that they will receive food, water and healing support that they need. I envision a world of compassion and love within my heart. We all need to hold this vision for this time to unfold. But there are so many diverse beliefs and politics that are deep from centuries of wars. We each deserve to practice our religions in peace and love, but freedom, tolerance and compassion must be our way to live in harmony.

So Christmas comes with mixed feelings of joys and sadness and with hope and belief that billions of people will live with open hearts to help those in need as they rebuild and begin again…with a new way…a peaceful way. This is my prayer.

May the blessings of the season fill your hearts with love, peace and joy and follow you throughout the New Year,

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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my heart sings

flowers bloom

love radiates


Jane Rosalea Brown

How beautiful we feel in the presence of love.  Our spirits are lifted and the world becomes a gentler and more compassionate place.  The beauty of love is that not a word has to be spoken. 

When it is present, all who are in a space where love is shared have the opportunity to embrace it and to fill their hearts with it. 

Then the cycle of love occurs as love flows out from those hearts who have received it and a new space is created where love continues to flow, to heal, to bring joy in infinite ways.

“Let us love since our heart is made of nothing else”

St. Terese of Lisieux

Create loving spaces wherever you journey today!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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In these challenging days, we can spend a lot of time trying to understand what is happening within our families, communities and the world. Our fears and anxieties can build. Meditation can bring relief from our daily stresses, but sometimes it can be difficult to meditate and to find a place of stillness within. But I have found with the practice of focusing on my breathing…in and out…and gradually relaxing my mind and body, I begin to allow myself to move my thoughts into my heart. I like to put my hands over my heart. Our heart is a sacred space that invites us into its gentleness and love. Then I am ready to move more deeply into a place of ‘surrender’.

As you begin to relax with your eyes closed, you can visualize a place that you love…like a beach, park, garden, your room. Now gently begin to shift your thoughts away from your outer problems and allow a cozy, warm place to unfold within your heart’s consciousness. As your mind becomes quiet and your body relaxes, it will reflect this inner sanctuary.

This warm, loving feeling will comfort you as you allow yourself to be held and embraced within. Let go of trying to make things work. See yourself stretching out your hands and letting go of your worries…see them dissolving.

Now you can make room for what you truly wants to be created from within you…

Making space…releasing, surrendering our fears, opening our hearts…we begin to lift and see a new space…hope, love, new creations…

Remember we do not have to figure everything out or try to make others change. There is always the unknown in our lives….simply embrace the beauty of your true self…and miracles will begin to unfold…the universe responds, loves you, guides and embraces you!

So how do we surrender while we are meditating?

I like to begin with some mantras…words that I repeat several times.

As you begin to meditate say…

”I am revealed in surrender.” 

Surrender, I awaken to your calling in this moment

I surrender…

I release my old limitations and fears,

I feel them all, see them all, touch them all

I allow them all to be released through my heart

I awaken to the calling of my heart

I surrender,

I surrender to love within my sacred heart

And in the very core of my being

I am ready to act with love and compassion

I trust in the unfolding Universe

I am filled with gratitude,

love and trust…

I listen for guidance within my heart.

Take time in silence and listen within…

Bring those beautiful thoughts back into your daily life…

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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Now is the time to move from our outer world of beliefs and views to trusting our inner wisdom and intuition. As we meditate or pray, let us embark on a sacred journey that takes us within to discover and to embrace our truth…our soul self…our inner beauty and personal power…to experience an intimate relationship with all of creation.

Now is the time to begin each day with a heart of gratitude for all the gifts of abundance that we receive each day…the air, the water, the fire and the earth. Everything is presence. All is one with us. Be grateful for the beauty in nature, for all the plants, insects, animals, for visible and invisible beings, for all the people in our world, for the gift of life…that unfolds in beautiful ways when we join together in peace and harmony. Let us practice reciprocity by returning our love and caring for them.

May we hold deep gratitude in our hearts for the ‘Spirit’ that flows through us and all life…

In this way, our life becomes sacred and we evolve, create and love more deeply…

The Persian poet Hafiz says “Now is the time to know”

Now is the time to know
That all that you do is sacred.
Now, why not consider
A lasting truce with yourself and God?

“Now is the time to understand
That all your ideas of right and wrong
Were just a child’s training wheels
To be laid aside
When you can finally live
with veracity and love.

Now is the time for the world to know
That every thought and action is sacred.
That this is the time
For you to compute the impossibility
That there is anything
But Grace.

Now is the season to know
That everything you do
Is Sacred”

Hafiz (1325 –1389)  Persian Mystical Poet.

From the heart of sacredness within me, I greet the heart of sacredness within you.

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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Most of us want to have good relationships with others. We want to find a life partner, our soulmate; we want good working relationships; we want a happy family. However, creating harmonious relationships can be difficult at times. Whether we are in a working, volunteer or personal relationship, the challenge of ‘getting along’ with others is always present. Happiness may be our goal, but unfortunately it may seem like conflicts get more of our attention. Our relationships affect our everyday!

Through all my different relationships I experienced the power of love…the hurtful feelings of not being loved and the warm and compassionate feelings of being loved. The most important thing that I learned from difficult relationships was that I needed to get in touch with myself…to figure out who I was. Meditation was my “way” to knowing myself…to loving myself.

Taking time to meditate each day gave me an inner place to let go, to release my anxieties and feel the love within my heart. I just had to be still and feel it. Loving myself was not about being conceited and only thinking about what I wanted and not caring about others. I learned it was about being humble, to take time to delve into my true feelings and to have courage to open my heart to welcome loving relationships.

How are you really feeling…about yourself, your relationships…about your view of life? All our relationships help us to grow and to know ourselves and others better. What can you do today to create a more peaceful relationship with someone you love? How can you assist another to make their day brighter? How are you going to nurture yourself today?

Here are 10 few tips to assist you to create the relationships you desire:

v Focus on what you want in your relationship, rather than on what you do not want.

v Only say good things about your partner or friend.

v You cannot change another person, but you can transform yourself.

v When your heart truly opens to love, your ‘poor me’ feelings leave.

v Respect your partner’s right to choose what he/she wants to do.

v Enjoy time on your own to explore your creative side.

v Love yourself everyday and shine as brightly as you can.

v Embrace your personal power – you are in charge of how you feel and what you do in every moment.

v Forgive yourself and your partner … each day is a new beginning.

v Create a loving relationship where there are ‘spaces’ for each one to create, to love and to flow…

Love is the key in everything we experience…the more love…the more peace and happiness…the better friend you are to yourself and others…the better your relationships!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Peaceful Way MeditationAuthor, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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And so we begin another New Year 2023! I love that this threshold calls to us to begin anew, refresh our thoughts and step forward in a move positive light. I looked to the past to find some insight about how to begin a new year. I found a lovely old Japanese Haiku poem that reminded me to move forward but ‘keep it simple’. Sounds great to me!

May New Year be filled with much love, tolerance, understanding, compassion and most of all peace on earth for everyone! May peace prevail on earth.

Happy New Year everyone!

Peacefully Jane,

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Peaceful Way MeditationAuthor, In Silence, Discovering Self through MeditationAuthor Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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“A magical winter’s night

Beauty of an enchanted glen

Rhapsody of awakening notes

Stars dance to heart’s delight

Radiant light of the guiding star

Remembrance of one and all”

Jane Rosalea Booth

Can you feel the excitement of the Winter Solstice as December 21st nears? The time of the Winter Solstice has been a most sacred time throughout history as the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere arrived. It is a joyous time to celebrate the return of the sun with its gift of days with longer sunlight. Here in the north, we may have mixed feelings as this day also signals the beginning of our Canadian winter that brings cold, frosty days and lots of snow. But fortunately, most Canadians love winter!

For centuries people have gathered in sacred circles to celebrate this time by rituals, prayers, meditation and reflection, chants, drumming and songs to express gratitude for the return of the sun. On this winter solstice, we can celebrate becoming part of the wondrous energy and alignment that is flowing through the cosmos into our hearts as the light returns!

For me, the Winter Solstice always feels mystical as I move into the rhythms of winter. Life seems quieter, perhaps a little slower in the winter with moments for reflection or dreaming of new things to come. The season of winter brings its blessings too with its stillness and silence. It calls me to move inside, keep warm and to do quieter things. My intuition seems brighter at this time of the year and in spite of all the chaos in our world, I feel a sense of hope and the spirit of love around as people gather with families, share gifts and food as religious days are observed. The winter solstice’s renewal of light has always been a symbol of hope, new birth and transformation.

The winter solstice shows us the ‘return of the sun’ with the ever revolving movement of the earth around the sun…and I too am in that ever revolving cycle. The symbol of the spiral shows us our evolving spirit, our evolving growth, our moving on into the unknown. The mystery of life and death is always just that…a mystery. So as the winter days unfold enjoy the freshness of the new snow or if you are in the southern hemisphere, enjoy your warming days!

May the light of Winter Solstice fill us with peace.

May the Spirit of Christmas love fill your hearts.

May we live in one heart with compassion and love.

Peacefully, Jane

Peaceful Way Meditation

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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When I mediate I listen to my inner voice. Sometimes it speaks very clearly and it got my attention yesterday when I heard the words “Trust in the Abyss”. I asked to have some explanation, but I didn’t hear anything. So I went online and typed ‘trust in the abyss’ and almost instantly, I found a site by Dr. Rhonda Milner and a post called “Trust God into the Abyss.” I asked Dr. Milner for permission to share her post and she sent me a warm reply. I so appreciate her sharing. In your meditations listen to your inner guidance and have trust in its wisdom and love. As you follow its sacred guidance…it will lead you in magical ways.

Trust God Into the Abyss

As a therapist and spiritual director, I often see psychological problems such as anxiety and depression originate from a distrust in God. When we don’t trust God with our future, fear and worry begin to grow. Regrets from our past can also stem from a distrust in God’s ability to forgive and give us a clean slate.

When we truly trust God, we can be fully present in our lives. We free ourselves from bondage, experiencing true freedom in Christ.

I wrote this poem to express how trusting God releases us from our own self-imposed, personal world of suffering. It has been said if we take the leap, He will either catch us or teach us to fly.

Trust God into the Abyss

Trusting God is leaping into the abyss
Only to find and receive His loving Kiss

Fear and hurry fade away to no worry
Time stands still with no need to scurry

The tightness of anxiety dissolves
My trepidation quiets to resolve

The sadness has no place
As I focus only on my sweet Lord’s Face

Depression of the foreboding looming past
Falls away removing my false insecure mask

Confidence in a new day and a new way
Replace the lies of what my mind used to say

Joy and hope shine through
As I can and finally see God’s Truth

The dark clouds of night’s disbelief
Give way removing my sullen morose grief

Solace is now to be found
Only God’s Word makes me sound

I reach into the blind night
Finding His Hand to give me sight

Love and mercy in my heart prevail
I see myself no longer afraid and frail

God is there, as always, to lead me through
Though before I never trusted and knew

He is my shelter and my rock
I do not fear the crowds that mock

My salvation is safely resting in Him
I no longer place my security in them

The world can never take my given Grace
For my hope and faith are in my Jesus’ Case

So now I savor and move through life
Never fearing or frightened of any strife

Trusting in God is leaping into the abyss
Only to find and receive His loving Kiss

This, my friend, you do not want to miss

Trust is one of God’s most generous gifts
It is what raises me up and eternally lifts

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

Healing Presence Ministry


Dr. Rhonda Milner has written two books that are available on amazon.ca The Mended Heart: A Poet’s Journey through suffering and hope and The Signature of God: His Name Written into Our Lives and the World

On this blog, I share inspirations from many sources and religions. I know visitors from my blog come from all over the world and from many faiths. May we all unite with courage, strength, love and compassion through our sacred hearts and prayers for all who are suffering in Ukraine.

May peace prevail.

May our trust if the divine bring us comfort, hope and peace.

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Mediation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

Meaford, ON

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How do we find peace during these strange and challenging times? Each day seems to bring heartbreak for those losing loved ones due to tornadoes or by Covid 19. We try to get back to ‘normal’ but the normal we knew doesn’t seem to be present. Life is about change…transforming ourselves…but there is one constant that helps us to cope with these difficult changes…and that is ‘love’. Now that may sound corny and frivolous, but it is not. Love is the most powerful energy, most powerful motivator, most powerful transformer…that brings hope to us and return us to a place of ‘inner peace’…especially in the most difficult times.

“Let love be your reason.

Let love be your drive.

Let love fill you with power and the authentic purpose of being who you really are.

Let love heal your hurts and inspire your actions.

Have the courage, acceptance and humility to feel love fully.

Have the strength and confidence to give your love freely.

Let love fill your thoughts with goodness  and your intentions with kindness.

Let love brighten every corner of your world. Let love flow abundantly from you  before you can even think about it.  

Let love illuminate the unique and miraculous  richness in every unfolding moment.

Let love live within you, and spread beauty through all you do.

Let love be, with all you have and all you are.”  

By Ralph Marston

Our lives are ever changing but we are all creative creators who can fill these times with

new innovations, new paintings, new songs and poems, new relationships and

compassion for all…

Deepest gratitude to you for creating more peace and love,

May the Spirit of Love fill your hearts,

Seasons Greetings!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

A Peaceful Way Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

Meaford, ON

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