
Archive for the ‘Peaceful Way Prayers’ Category

When I mediate I listen to my inner voice. Sometimes it speaks very clearly and it got my attention yesterday when I heard the words “Trust in the Abyss”. I asked to have some explanation, but I didn’t hear anything. So I went online and typed ‘trust in the abyss’ and almost instantly, I found a site by Dr. Rhonda Milner and a post called “Trust God into the Abyss.” I asked Dr. Milner for permission to share her post and she sent me a warm reply. I so appreciate her sharing. In your meditations listen to your inner guidance and have trust in its wisdom and love. As you follow its sacred guidance…it will lead you in magical ways.

Trust God Into the Abyss

As a therapist and spiritual director, I often see psychological problems such as anxiety and depression originate from a distrust in God. When we don’t trust God with our future, fear and worry begin to grow. Regrets from our past can also stem from a distrust in God’s ability to forgive and give us a clean slate.

When we truly trust God, we can be fully present in our lives. We free ourselves from bondage, experiencing true freedom in Christ.

I wrote this poem to express how trusting God releases us from our own self-imposed, personal world of suffering. It has been said if we take the leap, He will either catch us or teach us to fly.

Trust God into the Abyss

Trusting God is leaping into the abyss
Only to find and receive His loving Kiss

Fear and hurry fade away to no worry
Time stands still with no need to scurry

The tightness of anxiety dissolves
My trepidation quiets to resolve

The sadness has no place
As I focus only on my sweet Lord’s Face

Depression of the foreboding looming past
Falls away removing my false insecure mask

Confidence in a new day and a new way
Replace the lies of what my mind used to say

Joy and hope shine through
As I can and finally see God’s Truth

The dark clouds of night’s disbelief
Give way removing my sullen morose grief

Solace is now to be found
Only God’s Word makes me sound

I reach into the blind night
Finding His Hand to give me sight

Love and mercy in my heart prevail
I see myself no longer afraid and frail

God is there, as always, to lead me through
Though before I never trusted and knew

He is my shelter and my rock
I do not fear the crowds that mock

My salvation is safely resting in Him
I no longer place my security in them

The world can never take my given Grace
For my hope and faith are in my Jesus’ Case

So now I savor and move through life
Never fearing or frightened of any strife

Trusting in God is leaping into the abyss
Only to find and receive His loving Kiss

This, my friend, you do not want to miss

Trust is one of God’s most generous gifts
It is what raises me up and eternally lifts

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

Healing Presence Ministry


Dr. Rhonda Milner has written two books that are available on amazon.ca The Mended Heart: A Poet’s Journey through suffering and hope and The Signature of God: His Name Written into Our Lives and the World

On this blog, I share inspirations from many sources and religions. I know visitors from my blog come from all over the world and from many faiths. May we all unite with courage, strength, love and compassion through our sacred hearts and prayers for all who are suffering in Ukraine.

May peace prevail.

May our trust if the divine bring us comfort, hope and peace.

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Mediation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

Meaford, ON

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As conflicts arise here and abroad, I tap into the thought that most people in the world are desiring peace in their lives. They care deeply and want the best lives for their families. We can join our hearts together in meditation to support one another. Remember that our every thought and action affects another. Our daily meditation practice can help us to feel connected and loved no matter where we are in the world. It is a magical thing! But life is a mystical, magical experience!

Meditation can still our fears, calm ourselves and help us to be clear. Stress can make us feel foggy, uncertain and fearful when making choices. Meditation assists us to return ourselves to a place of inner freedom, to a place of the heart and from there we can be clear about our thoughts and responses to life and world situations.

Daily meditation for inner peace ~ Twelve easy steps

Meditation is a transformative, relaxing practice that can assist us to live more consciously and mindfully as we age. It relaxes, relieves anxieties, reduces blood pressure, increases sleep, and provides time for inner reflection.

1. Give yourself permission to have some quiet time each day,

2. Create a mood by playing some soft music or sit in silence. You may like to light a candle to set the mood.

3. Find a quiet, safe place as meditation can only begin when you are able to concentrate with no distraction. Just be still and relax in your space – a chair, bed, in a garden.

4. Quiet your mind and close your eyes and allow your mind to be still. Do not strain or force your mind to concentrate.

5. Breath gently in and out and feel your body becoming more and more relaxed. As you inhale think, “I am” and as you exhale think “relaxed”. Feel the rhythm of your breath and your body.

6. Relax muscles by taking a moment to check over your body for any tension. If your feet are tired and tense, flex your toes and relax them. Do the same with your legs, torso, arms, neck and shoulders and face.

7. Focus on the spot on your forehead between your eyebrows. Concentrating on this spot helps you to stay in the moment. If you mind becomes “busy”, go back to this spot and breathe gently.

8. Visualize on your dreams. How do you want your life to unfold? What needs healing in your life? See your life as peaceful and healthy.

9. Allow images to appear such as colours, symbols, images or light.

10. Enjoy the stillness and sense of an inner peace space within your heart filled with love. Send love to your family…to your friends…to your community…and imagine love flowing into hearts…all around the world. And feel the love of others flowing back to you. Feel thankful for this loving connection within your heart.

11. Listen within as you relax deeply into this peaceful space. Take a few minutes to listen to your soul’s inner wisdom. New thoughts or feelings may come to you.

12. Awaken when you are ready and slowly bring your thoughts back into your room. Open your eyes feeling refreshed and calm. Reflect upon your meditation – things you thought, felt or saw. I write them in a journal and love to read them again. These insights will lead you to positive actions that help you to live a long and peaceful life.

I hope a few minutes of daily meditation will brighten your day! We are all interconnected! A peaceful way is ours to create!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Mediation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

Meaford, ON

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11870363-hands-of-elderly-man-and-baby-holding-a-young-plant-against-a-green-natural-background-in-spring-eco A Prayer in Spring by Robert Frost

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;

And give us not to think so far away

As the uncertain harvest; keep us here

All simply in the springing of the year.

Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,

Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night; And make us happy in the happy bees, The swarm dilating round the perfect trees .

And make us happy in the darting bird That suddenly above the bees is heard,

The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,

And off a blossom in mid air stands still.

For this is love and nothing else is love,

The which it is reserved for God above


Enjoy the unfolding spring during this Earth Week where we bring our attention to being better guardians of our Earth.


earth week


Peacefully, Jane


Jane Rosalea Robertson, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. (Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) http://www.peacefulpathretreat.wordpress.com  next retreat May 23-25/14 Register now. http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com

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Peaceful Way January Newsletter

With Jane Booth-Robertson

Happy New Year Greetings,

As we welcome the 2014 New Year, I welcome you to the Peaceful Way.  Many of you have participated in my women’s workshops and retreats called the “Peaceful Path”, but like all things, my programs are evolving to bring forth greater personal wisdom and self-mastery. As we enter 2014, the idea that we are no longer travelling along a path became clear to me.  We have now reached a space and time where we have the opportunity of ‘being’ our truth and living our ‘way’. This means another shift in our consciousness, if we choose to open to it, a movement into alignment, wisdom, and freedom.

The “Peaceful Way” programs and retreats bring the artist’s way of knowing. Each of us has the heart of the artist. We can weave and knit, shape and mold our true self into our daily life. We can create the ‘way’ of beauty and peace through our sacred imagination. When we become ‘the way’, life unfolds with ease and grace.

I invite you to join me in this New Year 2014 to explore from our center of truth out into the horizons and beyond with a new found freedom. Through the Peaceful Way programs you become a vibrant and liberating  ‘way’  of your true self.


“In the depth of your hopes and desires lies
your silent knowledge of the beyond;
And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow
your heart dreams of spring.
Trust the dreams, for in them is
a hidden gate to eternity.”

– Kahlil Gibra


Peaceful Way Programs and Services

doveMini one day Retreat for Women

February 15, 2014, 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.  Join me for this Spiritual Retreat Day where you can relax and de-stress through some of the programs that we love at our full weekend retreats – meditation, sound and music, creative and healing arts activities and discussion.  Leave feeling relaxed, renewed, empowered and inspired. P lease register by January 31 by e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com  Fee: $45.00 plus HST  Location: Meaford  Jane’s home

4042180234_64cd2859c9_mPeaceful Way Women’s Spring Retreat

`The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes“ ~Marcel Proust, Novelist

A retreat to reflect on the way of your soul and its evolving understanding of earthly and spiritual unity

A weekend of relaxation to commune with the heart of nature.

 A time to enter the ‘way’, the truth and beauty of you

A space for creating sacred imagination

A magical time where our spirits meet and lift us into a wonderful space.

Date: May 2014 – date/location (Ontario) to be announced

Please let me know if you are interested in attending a May retreat.

  doveThe Peaceful Way Gathering

Weekly Wednesday afternoons in Meaford, 1:30 p.m – 3:00 p.m. Presently, meditations include the visualization of the Sacred Geometry symbol called Sigma (Wisdom) for inner peace and knowing. Fee: $11.30 weekly  Everyone welcomed.


Date: 2nd Tuesday of each month

Time:  8:45 a.m – 9:45 a.m.

Location: Meaford Community Arena

Join us to learn a beautiful rhythmic dance exercise that awakens the body, mind and spirit    Pan, in Greek, means “all-over”, EU means “good or harmonious”, and Rhythmy means rhythmic movement. So Pan-Eu-Rhythmy means “the rhythm and harmony of the Universe”. It is a dance-exercise-meditation which can enable us to attune to the rhythm and harmony of all nature. Fee: Sharing of room rental $33.90 per rental  Everyone welcomed.


 Individual sessions with Jane for personal growth and well-being Fee: $50.00 plus HST 1 hour

reikiInner Peace Reiki

For relaxation and stress relief – sessions offered weekdays in Meaford by appointment  Fee: $50.00 1 hour

18282779-a-pair-of-horses-showing-affectionEquine Reiki

Reiki sessions for horses in Meaford area.   Fee: $45.00

Please feel free to share this Newsletter with your friends.

I look forward to hearing from you if you would like a Reiki appointment and/or to participate in the Peaceful Way programs.

Wishing you joyful New Year full of love and peace,

Jane Rosalea Booth-Robertson

Meaford, ON Canada

e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com  for registrations

Jane’s Website: The Peaceful Way

About Jane:

Jane Rosalea Booth-Robertson, BA, CSW, an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery. Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. (Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats.

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O Blessed Source, eternal Lord of creation, sustainer of all worlds, you embrace the whole cosmos within yourself, for everything exists in you. Let your winds come and breathe your everlasting Spirit in us.

Let us inhale your divine Spirit and be inspired. Enlighten us in your truth. Pour your grace into our hearts.

Wipe away our sin and all negativity. Transform us into your Love, and let us radiate that Love to all others.

Inflame us with your unending life. Dissolve our limited way of being. Elevate us into your divine Life.

Give us your capacity to share that Life with everyone.

Shape us in your wisdom. Grant us your joy and laughter. Let us become that divine wisdom, sensitivity, laughter and joy for all beings.

Let us realize fully that we are members of that Sacred Community with all humankind, with other species, with nature and the entire cosmos.

Grant us a heart that can embrace them all in you. Let us be in communion with you forever in the bliss of that Love:

The Love that sustains all and transforms all into your Divine Radiance.


From: .  The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World’s Religions, Forward by the Dalai Lama, Preface by Beatrice Bruleau (New World Library 1999) ISBN 157731140X

Wayne Robert Teasdale ( 1945 – 20 October 2004) was a Catholic monk, author and teacher from Connecticut, best known as an energetic proponent of mutual understanding between the world’s religions, for an interfaith dialogue which he termed Interspirituality. He was also an active campaigner on issues of social justice. n 2002, Brother Wayne, with friends and colleagues, founded Interspiritual Dialogue (ISD), an NGO accredited by the United Nations Department of Public Information. He died of cancer in 2004.

You may like to visit:

http://www.orderofsannyasa.org/ Community of the Mystic Heart

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My prayers this morning are for the people of Norway who are mourning the deaths of so many young people.  How inspiring to see the outpouring of love and sympathy by thousands and thousands of people as they gathered peacefully in this time of shock and grieving.  They were joining their hearts in love and showing that a peaceful, society is the way.

When love is our intention, we can heal, forgive and move forward in a stronger, more committed way.  The people of Norway are showing the world how much they love one another and that love will sustain and bring greater freedom for all of us.

Please join with me in prayers for the families who have lost their children.  May they receive the support and comfort that they need at this time.  May the hopes of their children fill our hearts so their dreams will be fulfilled by those who remain.  May their visions of a peaceful, united world unfold.  May the Light of God’s presence be felt, bringing healing and love to all.

In peace,


Jane Booth

Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking

Reiki Master




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Here are two critical environmental conditions that call for our blessings and compassion.

I profoundly endorse Melanie Handke’s special request for a blessing, and prayers for all people affected by the flooding of the Missouri River. She lives in Council Bluffs, IA which is right across the Missouri River from Omaha, NE. The flooding is reaching a critical stage as the levees protecting towns up and down the Missouri are becoming saturated with river water. The levees were only designed to temporarily prevent water from entering populated areas, but because of record snow in the mountains and record rainfall, we are looking at a situation that will be lasting all through August and possibly September. Some levees, such as the one in Hamburg, IA have already failed. Farmers as well as others have lost not only their homes but also their livelihoods as the flooding destroys farmland and other business along the river. Additionally, The Ft. Calhoun Nuclear power plant 19 miles north of Omaha is reported to be leaking radioactive water into the river and a no fly zone has been issued so that aircraft avoid flying over Ft. Calhoun.

Also, I want to add a second Request from our Native brothers and sisters through a letter sent from Dorothea Stevens, San Carlos Apache Nation

The fires in Arizona are still uncontrollable and spreading. The giant blaze has destroyed everything in its path, over 1/2 million acres so far, the largest fire in Arizona history. Please join us in a tribal prayer to help the firefighters and all involved. Pray so the winds stop and the rains start (without lightning please). We want to pray for the safety of all. Ask for heavenly walls to protect our land and animals from fire. All the choppers, manpower, planes, and bulldozers are not enough, they need our help. We are one Nation as Natives and our traditional prayers to the Creator as Natives can be pretty powerful; not only are our tribal lands at stake (White Mountain & San Carlos Apaches, possibly Zuni, and some Navajo areas), but our non-native friends also need our help. Please let us all connect our minds, hearts and our prayers across the miles and pray. Wherever you are and whatever you have planned please stop for a few minutes and raise your hands to the Creator to ask for help. If all of you can forward this message across the Nations, we can reach many through phone and internet.
Glenda Green

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This is a lovely prayer I received in an e-mail by the author was unknown.  Those who have explored the teachings of the Tree of Life in my workshops will relate to these words.  These teachings reveal how to have balance and to open to the Light of God and to align ourselves with the will of God.

Tree of Life Prayer

All the power that ever was or ever will be is here now.

I am a center of expression for the primal will to good,

which eternally creates and sustains the universe.

Through me, its unfailing wisdom takes form in thought and a word.

Filled with understanding of Its perfect law,

I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of libertion.

From the exhaustless riches of its limitless substance,

I draw all things needful – both spiritual and material.

I recognize the undeviating justice in all circumstances of my life.

In all things, great and small, I see the beauty of divine expression.

Living from that will, supported by its unfailing wisdom and understaning – mine is the victorious life.

I look forward with confidence to the perfect manifestation of eternal splendour of limitless light.

In thought, word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, on the sure foundation of eternal Being.

The kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh and within my heart.

Author of prayer unknown

Have a peaceful, creative day!


Visit Jane at: www.goldenlightcentre.com

www.in-silence.net Official Author site for In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation, by Jane Rosalea Booth

www.peacefulpathretreat.wordpress.com  – Fall retreat details coming soon!  Oct.14-16, 2011 Let me know if you are interested.  e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com  Subject: Women’s Retreat

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Create in me a pure heart, oh God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:1-17



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May we pray for the safety of the people of Japan, knowing that in each moment they are loved by God.  May they receive the assistance they need.  May the world unite as one heart with unconditional for all.

May peace and love fill your heart,


Golden Light Centre for Well-Being

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