
Posts Tagged ‘Golden Light Centre for Well-Being’


I have recently completed reading Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace.  It was quite a journey to read such detailed descriptions of events on every page, but I knew if I did not read carefully I would miss the essence of his words.

One character Pierre had a shift of consciousness after his war experiences that complete changed the way his world view.  Years later he reflected on the time when his consciousness change.

I may have appeared strange and queer then, he thught, but I was not so mad as I seemed. On the contrary, I was wiser and had more insight than at any other time; and I understood all that is worth understanding in life, because…I was so happy,

Pierre’s insanity consisted in not waiting , as he used to do, to discover personal grounds, which he called ‘good qualities’, in people before loving them; love filled his heart to overflowing and in loving his fellow-men without cause he never failed to discover incontestable reasons that made them worth loving.”

War and Peace , Leo Tolstoy, written (1865-69) p1333tolstoy book

Ah…if we could all have this shift…a movement into viewing each other in a loving way, a return to love.

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Robertson, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. (Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) http://www.peacefulpathretreat.wordpress.com  next retreat May 23-25/14 Register now. http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com


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You don't need to go on an extreme diet or eliminate carbs entirely to lose weight

7 New Weight Loss Rules

PreventionBy Rob Thompson, MD | Prevention – Mon, 13 Feb, 2012 3:44 PM EST

You don’t need to go on an extreme diet or eliminate carbs entirely to lose weightIn the world of fantasy wish lists, wouldn’t it be great if–instead of prompting us to snack all the time–our bodies would just use up fat we have already stored?

One major reason this doesn’t happen has to do with our diets. When you consume starch and refined sugar, these foods enter the bloodstream quickly, causing a sugar spike. Your body then produces the hormone insulin to drive that sugar from your bloodstream into cells. But over time, excessive levels of insulin can make your muscle cells lose sensitivity to the hormone, leading to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Your fat cells are another story: They always remain sensitive. Insulin spikes lock fat into them, so you can’t use it for energy.

How do you break this cycle and get your body to work optimally again? Happily, you don’t need to go on an extreme diet. The first step is just to reduce the blood sugar spikes that produce sharp increases of insulin. The substance in our diet that’s most responsible for these surges is starch–namely, anything made from potatoes, rice, flour, corn, or other grains. (Think pasta, lasagna, white bread, doughnuts, cookies, and cakes.) You could cut out these foods entirely. But wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to solve the problem without completely eliminating these carbs?

It turns out there is. You can blunt the blood sugar-raising effects by taking advantage of natural substances in foods that slow carbohydrate digestion and entry into the bloodstream. No matter what kind  of sugar blocker you use, your waistline (and health) will win in the end.

Use these 7 weight loss rules from The Sugar Blocker’s Diet to tap into the power of foods that can naturally slow sugar absorption, so you can keep eating meals you love.

6 More Eating Rules for Fast Weight Loss

1. Have a Fatty Snack 10 To 30 Minutes Before Your Meals

Reason: You remain fuller longer.

At the outlet of your stomach is a muscular ring, the pyloric valve. It regulates the speed at which food leaves your stomach and enters your small intestine. This valve is all that stands between the ziti in your stomach and a surge of glucose in your bloodstream. But you can send your pyloric valve a message to slow down.

Fat triggers a reflex that constricts the valve and slows digestion. As little as a teaspoon of fat–easily provided by a handful of nuts or a piece of cheese–will do the trick, provided you eat it before your meal.

2. Start Your Meal with a Salad

Reason: It soaks up starch and sugar.

Soluble fiber from the pulp of plants–such as beans, carrots, apples, and oranges–swells like a sponge in your intestines and traps starch and sugar in the niches between its molecules. Soluble means “dissolvable”–and indeed, soluble fiber eventually dissolves, releasing glucose. However, that takes time. The glucose it absorbs seeps into your bloodstream slowly, so your body needs less insulin to handle it. A good way to ensure that you get enough soluble fiber is to have a salad–preferably before, rather than after, you eat a starch.

12 Hunger-Fighting Power Salads

3. Have Some Vinegar Reason: It slows the breakdown of starch into sugar.

The high acetic acid content in vinegar deactivates amylase, the enzyme that turns starch into sugar. (It doesn’t matter what kind of vinegar you use.) Because it acts on starch only, it has no effect on the absorption of refined sugar. In other words, it will help if you eat bread, but not candy. But there’s one more benefit: Vinegar also increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

You should consume vinegar at the start of your meal. Put it in salad dressing or sprinkle a couple of tablespoons on meat or vegetables. Vinegar brings out the flavor of food, as salt does.

How to Flatten Your Belly for Good

4. Include Protein with Your Meal

Reason: You won’t secrete as much insulin.

Here’s a paradox: You want to blunt insulin spikes–but to do that, you need to start secreting insulin sooner rather than later. It’s like a fire department responding to a fire. The quicker the alarm goes off, the fewer firefighters will be needed to put out the blaze.

Even though protein contains no glucose, it triggers a “first-phase insulin response” that occurs so fast, it keeps your blood sugar from rising as high later–and reduces the total amount of insulin you need to handle a meal. So have meatballs with your spaghetti.

How to Shrink Your Belly with Food
5. Eat Lightly Cooked Vegetables Reason: You digest them more slowly.

Both fruits and vegetables contain soluble fiber. As a rule, though, vegetables make better sugar blockers, because they have more fiber and less sugar.

But don’t cook your vegetables to mush. Boiling vegetables until they’re limp and soggy saturates the soluble fiber, filling it with water so it can’t absorb the sugar and starch you want it to. Also, crisp vegetables are chunkier when they reach your stomach, and larger food particles take longer to digest, so you’ll feel full longer. Another tip: Roasted vegetables like cauliflower can often serve as a delicious starch substitute.

Get 9 Tasty Fat-Fighting Snacks

6. Have a Glass of Wine with Dinner Reason: Your liver won’t produce as much glucose.

Alcohol has unique sugar-blocking properties. Your liver normally converts some of the fat and protein in your blood to glucose, which adds to the glucose from the carbs you eat. But alcohol consumed with a meal temporarily halts your liver’s glucose production. A serving of any alcohol–beer, red or white wine, or a shot of hard liquor–will reduce the blood sugar load of a typical serving of starch by approximately 25%.

That doesn’t mean you should have several drinks (especially if you have diabetes, as multiple drinks can cause hypoglycemia). Not only does alcohol contain calories, but it also delays the sensation of fullness, so you tend to overeat and pile on calories. Be especially mindful about avoiding cocktails that are made with sweetened mixers–yet another source of sugar.

16 Ways to Stop Overeating

7. Eat Sweets for Desserts Only  Reason: All of the above.

If you eat sweets on an empty stomach, there’s nothing to impede the sugar from racing directly into your bloodstream–no fat, no soluble fiber, no protein, no vinegar. But if you confine sweets to the end of the meal, you have all of the built-in protection the preceding rules provide. If you want to keep blood sugar on an even keel, avoid between-meal sweets at all costs–and when you do indulge, don’t eat more than you can hold in the cup of your hand. But a few bites of candy after a meal will have little effect on your blood sugar and insulin–and can be quite satisfying.

5 Strange Ways Chocolate Keeps You Healthy

Question: Which of these weight loss tips are you most likely to try?

Adapted from The Sugar Blockers Diet : Eat Great, Lose Weight–A Doctor’s 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Lower Blood Sugar, and Beat Diabetes–While Eating the Carbs You Love, by Rob Thompson, MD, with the editors of Prevention (Rodale, 2012).

Thanks Dr. Thompson for sharing this article.  To live a peaceful life we need to take good care of our body.  A healthy, fit body allows us to live fully in so many ways!  Loving yourself means you take good care of YOU in all ways – mentally, spiritual, emotional, and spiritually.

Peace and joy,

Jane Booth

www.goldenlightcentre.com  for Jane’s book, services and workshops

Lose pounds and inches and watch your Belly Flatten!

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   Golden Light Centre for Well-Being Inc. www.goldenlightcentre.com  
February 2012 Jane Rosalea Booth                                 Meaford, Ontario
  In Silence, Discovering Self Through Meditation by Jane Rosalea Boot

A beautiful book to raise your spiritual consciousness to receive wisdom and truth that will truly transform your life through meditation to reveal the evolving awareness of your true essence.

 To Order Click here










 The Cloth is growing but we want cities across our country and world to join in.

Please send our flyer to your friends

Click here for more information



 May Peace Prevail on Earth



A world of peace, compassion and understanding….

….evolving and growing more beautiful each day.






Jane Booth Robertson, BA, CSW. M.Div.

Holistic Workshop Facilitator
Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking

Certified Reiki Master

Certified Sound Energy Dynamics


Ordained Minister All Seasons Church of Canada










 Greeting Everyone, There are so many thoughts and predictions about 2012.  I feel this year is a time to be very much in the present moment and embracing it, really feeling and experiencing it.  What ever is happening, it is always a time to love ourselves, others and to align ourselves fully with Divine love of God.  May we all unite and form a community of peace-creators to support and lift the consciousness of our world into a more harmonious place. Now is a time for quiet reflection, embracing our true Essence and integrating it into our lives. As we envision new horizons, we seek to further our wholeness.

 Through my Peaceful Path Women’s retreat in May, my weekly workshops and Reiki/Sound sessions you will experience guidance and support to assist your pathways to create the life you truly desire and to reveal your wholeness.

Peaceful Path Women’s Retreat – May 14 – 20, 2012 with Jane Booth  – The Ghost Ranch, New Mexico 

 Welcome to a very special women’s retreat, a quiet journey of self-discovery, personal growth and evolving consciousness!

Peaceful Path Women’s Retreat   Call of the Heart -.

 The Ghost Ranch is 2 1/1 hours from Albuquerque International Airport,NM. It is a Presbyterian Educational and Spiritual Retreat Centre. I have been told by those who have visited the ranch that it is truly a magical place.  People have been living on this land for over 8000 years. It is a perfect place for a spiritual retreat. Visit the Ghost Ranch at http://www.ghostranch.org

Here are some words from a woman who was at a retreat at the Ghost Ranch –

A Ghost Ranch Gathering – Into the Heart of the Desert

 “A time to gather myself to myself.

 A time to gather sacred life into silent landscape.

 A time to gather heart to mind and back again.

A time to gather in the heart of the high desert with twelve brilliant women,contemporaries and ancients.

 My home for the next three days is Casa del Sol, a hacienda,

the spiritual heart of Ghost Ranch.”  Author Unknown

Register now – e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com   Subject: women’s retreat

Registration ends – February 15, 2012  register today.

Fee: $870.00 CAD/884.00 US includes Sat/Sun meals, lodgings, double accommodation with shared baths, workshops and supplies.  Extras on ranch: horseback riding, spa, guided tours, if you wish to participate.- not in fee.

Deposit: A $110.00 CAD non-refundable deposit is due upon registration.  Balance due March 1, 2012.

**You are responsible for Air Transportation Fare/Ground Transportation to and from the ranch are not provided in the fee

  • I am flying out of Buffalo New York, Delta 6:30a.m May 14th.
  • There is a flight out of Toronto about the same time. Check with your travel agent for reservation information. 

Book today as flights are filling up – e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com


Meaford Hall Event – February 7, 6:30 p.m – 8:30 p.m Free Event

Style My Life”Meaford Women’s Style, Shop & Pamper Event

View Stella and Dot’s fantastic 2012 spring collection.

Win $100 in Free Jewelry

Style sessions by Julie Simmonds,

Mini Reiki session by Jane Booth

Massages by Meaford Massage Therapy,

Make-up makeovers and nails!

Cash Bar – Appetizers – Prizes – Fun

Peaceful Path Meditation Workshops

 Workshops begin on February 15,

Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.

Jane’s home, Meaford   

Fee: $10 per workshop

Limited to 8 participants.

 Reiki with Sound Therapy Sessions

With Jane Booth,  USUI Reiki Master

 Private sessions for energy balancing, stress reduction and relaxation.

Fee: $60.00 plus HST 1 ½ hour session

Jane’s home Meaford,  

Date: Tuesday,  Wednesday and Thursday

 Reiki I – Certification Class –  February 25, Meaford

Reiki II – Certification Class – March 31, Meaford

 Peaceful Path Blog

 I invited you to join me daily on my blog https://janebooth.wordpress.com

 I thank all who receive this newsletter for your decision to be peacemakers in your families and communities and for your participation and support.

 With peace and love,


 Jane Rosalea Booth, BA, CSW, M.Div


 e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com

If you choose not to receive my Newsletters please reply – “remove”




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Golden Light Centre Newsletter   August 2011
Welcome Friends to August, 2011.

I hope you are enjoying our warm summer days.  It’s time to find a quiet place outdoors to meditate to relax, calm and reflect.  I’ve been spending time sitting on rocks by our beautiful Georgian Bay and taking walks on the beach or through the woods.  It’s important to find ways to quiet our minds and tap into the beauty of nature to heal and refresh us as the world continues to shock and shake us by events that touch every soul.  We now have the opportunity to show our love and compassion through our actions and prayers. Our reaction to world and daily events has only one action…to love.  Meditation assists us to return to a place of love and peace.

“God is the friend of silence. See how nature… trees, flowers, grass… grows in silence. See the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls”. Mother Teresa  

 Peaceful Path Holistic Events and Services

Peaceful Path Women’s Retreat      October 14-16h, 2011      The Ecology Retreat Centre

I am offering a fall retreat for the first time.  The fall with its transformative energy is the perfect time for a retreat.  This spiritual retreat provides you with the perfect combination of Sacred harmony circles, guided meditations and labyrinth walks, nature activities, creative expression and fireside gatherings with ample time for solitude and quiet reflection. Bring a friend and enjoy the beauty of the Ecology Retreat Centre. For details and registration: http://www.peacefulpathretreat.wordpress.com  or e-mail  goldenlightcentre@rogers.com Register today. 

USUI Reiki and Natural Sound Sessions for energy balancing, stress reduction and relaxation

Reiki is a Japanese holistic, light-touch, energy-based modality. It is a powerful natural system that unlocks the inner flow of vital energy. It is an individual experience that assists the body to restore and balance natural energy and reduce stress.  In a natural, balanced state the body can heal itself.

Private sessions offered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, in Meaford, ONFee: $60.00 1 ½ hour session E-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com

Call 519-538-5977 for appoint with Jane

 Reiki I Certificate ClassSaturday, August 6, 2011

 Reiki I Fee: $150.00 Trainings include certification, instruction manuals, and practical application

 Reiki II Certificate ClassWednesday, September 21 2011

 Reiki I Fee: $200.00 Trainings include certification, instruction manuals, and practical application

Certificate Reiki I, II,III, or Master available

To Register for Reiki Classes e-mail  goldenlightcentre@rogers.com Register today.

Peaceful Path Workshops

Meaford, Wednesday, Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm   Our group continues during the summer on Thursday Aug. 11, Wed. Aug 17 and 24.  September group begins September 7th.  New members are welcomed.

 The Golden Light Art Gallery


Our art gallery is growing and evolving.  Our website gallery is being re-designed and will be opening in a few weeks.  Watch for new artists, original art and beautiful prints and stained glass. People from around the world are coming to our gallery!

Cloth of Peace

We had a great time in the Canada Day Parade with the Cloth of Peace. The Cloth of Peace will be participating in the annual Scarecrow Invasion Parade in Meaford, on September 30th.  If you would like to participate by helping to carry our beautiful cloths in the parade, please let Jane know.  We need more volunteers so we may show all our cloths.  The Cloth of Peace is growing and becoming known in our area. The theme of the parade this year is ‘Mother Goose”.

Visit to view the cloth: http://www.clothofpeace.wordpress.com

 Peaceful Path Blog

I invited you to join me daily on my blog https://janebooth.wordpress.com

‘The world is blessed by your desire for peace and love.  I thank all who receive this newsletter for your decision to be peacemakers in your families and communities and for your participation and support’. 

With deep peace and love,


Jane Booth Robertson, BA, CSW. M.Div., USUI Reiki Master

Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Order your copy of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

A simple daily approach to meditation, ancient wisdom and inner peace



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