
Posts Tagged ‘life purpose’

Today enjoy an article from the July Chopra Newsletter

Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their souls choose to incarnate on Earth at this time. You may search for your unique skills and talents that you are here to share. All of us can live into our purpose by how we choose to simply be. Your purpose is much more than what you do and create. Here are seven ways in which we can step into your purpose beyond what you “do.”


You can serve humanity, not just in the messages that you share through writing and speaking, but also in compassionately listening. A basic human right is your need to be seen, heard, and supported. When you hold space for others to express themselves without judgment, criticism, or your own agenda, you support them as they blossom at their own divine pace. You witness their evolution and awakening, without imposing your need to change, fix, or heal them.

How You Energetically Hold Space for Others

Depending on human design and purpose, some of us naturally and even unconsciously absorb, process, and share energy. Empaths tend to feel, hear, or know information and energy. They may step into a room and sense the feelings of those that were there before them. They may tear up as soon as they see someone else cry.

Recognize that you may already be living into your purpose as your body and aura are transforming the energy of everyone and every space that you encounter. If you are intrigued by this idea, you may wish to begin a practice of consciously sending healing energy. All it takes is presence, willingness, and intention.

For some, their purpose lies in their career, but for others it’s in how they show up in relationships, for Earth, and for themselves.”

How You Treat Others

A simple look of trust or friendly conversation can shape someone else’s day. You can create a ripple effect of kindness in your community when you choose to be the light. Treating people who don’t mean a lot to you with respect is your purpose. While you may not be able to donate money to a homeless person, you have the ability to look at them as a soul who’s not beneath anyone else. Genuinely smiling from the heart, saying a silent blessing, or sharing a compliment are all ways in which you may fulfill your soul’s dharma.

Pursue Joy

You may have been taught to suppress your desires and be humble. This may lead you to forget pleasure and lightness. The Japanese explain that your ikigai is a mix of what you love, what the world needs, what you can be paid for, and what you’re good at. While seeking for your purpose, you may forget to turn inward and look at your passions, and that which brings you delight. When seeking your purpose, you may wish to consider, “Do I believe that I am worthy of being happy? What has my family, religion, and society taught me about happiness as a part of my purpose?”

Relationship with All Life Forms

Your exchange with all forms of consciousness is also an aspect of our dharma. Planting trees, fostering pets, and cleaning up your local pond may be wonderful ways to heal the planet. However, your soul’s purpose may also include acknowledging, being present with, and honoring all forms of consciousness. Many of the life lessons can simply be learned by observing nature and allowing a relationship with its consciousness. By communicating with Earth and all of its inhabitants, you can access universal wisdom that exceeds your own understanding.

Becoming a Channel

You may also tap into the purpose of your existence, by allowing higher consciousness to move through you. Each and every one of us has the ability to clear our energy channels and be receptive to energetic and informational downloads. These can guide your own path or help others in their journey. You may begin to let the Universe know that you’re ready to channel higher consciousness in your meditation and prayer practice.

Additionally, it may help to eat high-vibrational (e.g., raw and organic) foods and drink plenty of water. Develop a practice of writing down the messages you receive and the energetic shifts that you experience. This will help you to acknowledge and trust your ability to channel energy and information.

Seeing the Light in You

Part of your soul’s purpose is to also acknowledge that you are whole, healthy, and enough. While your physical body may be experiencing pain or discomfort, your soul is a vivacious bright light that is free from the suffering on Earth. Along with working toward health, joy, and love, see if you can also acknowledge your own perfection. There is nothing more to do or achieve. You are as worthy, lovable, and pure as the rest of consciousness.

Living into your purpose doesn’t require you to go back to school or make a radical shift in careers. It can be as simple as how you gaze at someone or the feelings you apply to yourself. While your world does need people who take action, express themselves, and create, you also need to live into your purpose by just being. Your dharma is multi-faceted and may be fulfilled in numerous ways including patiently listening to others, holding an intention, observing nature, and trusting your intuition.

Thank you to guest author Parita Shah of the Chopra Newsletter, July, 2023

Hope you enjoyed this guest article. Have a beautiful day,


Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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Some morning thoughts…

Some days I want to pull up a blanket

Snuggle up with my dog

Watch the birds and squirrels play

Feel the warmth of the sun’s rays

Through the window pane

And I do take those moments

To relax, reflect, ponder my life

Sometimes tears rise up about old memories

Regrets to let go, tender thoughts of family

How I could have done things differently

But realize I would not be here now

Writing my thoughts, looking out to the woods

Hearing the waves pounding the shore

Or missing those who live away

All thoughts that bring me into my heart

Give meaning each day with deep gratitude

For every minute of my life, good and bad

I learned from them and try to integrate

Some wisdom as I move on

Into the last few years where I am free

At last, to finally be me

Young ones don’t see elders

We are invisible but that’s okay

I see them and know their struggles

Seem to be much greater than my teen years

But wait…we had Vietnam, cold war, drugs

The pill, women’s lib, civil right marches and so on

I lived through all those times

And all those years I was in search

Of understanding what life all about and who am I?

Well, I think I have a sense of who I am

I know what and who I love

I feel connected to all life, have a deep love of nature

My life has meaning while I am here

What I think, feel and do affects you

And everyone else. I am important

And so are you.  When I feel my Essence

If I can call it my essence, it feels awesome

Free and ever flowing.  My meditations

And Reiki energy have shown me light visions

That are indescribable.  I share with some friends.

One friend has even seen the same twinkling lights

That I see when we were together.  Nice to know

I am not imagining them.  Then there is ESP

Where I receive from others and also send

My thoughts to them.  It is so amazing when

They respond by e-mail or phone call

I know by what they are replying

My thoughts were received by them

I follow and trust my intuition…

So send your love to others, even those

That you don’t like…they need your love

The most…

Today, I am going for a horseback riding lesson. I love horses and am blessed by the opportunity to ride.  Follow what inspires you and brings you joy.  If you are going through difficult times, go within to listen to your inner spirit.  Take a few minutes each day to record your random thoughts!

Find comfort in sharing your love…

I am sending my love to you,

Thank you for reading my morning flow of words…unedited

Peacefully, Jane


Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master

Author In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation (Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth) available on Amazon.ca











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Sing your heart song with me

Leap through the air

Become the breath of spirit

Let all possibilities be

Live in that truth

From In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation,

What is truth? Philosophers and religious teachers have been trying to answer this question for thousands of years. I certainly cannot tell you what it is true or what is reality or how life began, but truth, to me, seems to be an individual thing. It is the idea of what is real to you and it comes from your personal experiences throughout your life. Ultimately there can be only one truth and it is the one truth that we seek to understand so our life has meaning and purpose, so we can have some concept of who we are.

We can find ‘truth’ as we live our daily lives through our relationships with others and our connection to nature and by our never ending quest for knowledge and expansion. However, when we take time to quiet our minds and to move deeply within our consciousness as we meditate, something exciting occurs. We move into a new space that is our own private sanctuary that is beyond words.  Once we discover this sweet, peaceful, and so serene place within, the magic begins… our view of ourselves transforms and transforms… ever evolving.

Now we have an opportunity share our new version of our self by bringing into our outer world all the good ‘stuff’ that we’ve discover within. Then our outer world transforms.  People notice that you have changed.  Some will like this change, this happier you and others who are living in shadows or darkness will not, but you can be sure that all life benefits by your transformation into a positive, loving and peaceful person.  Each of us has the opportunity of discovering  ‘truth’ that makes our life meaningful, happy and peaceful. Each of has a right to our own truth and it is not about having others agree with you, but simply to live in your truth in a new way to create a better life for yourself and others.  Let all possibilities be!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Robertson, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery. Jane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation. (Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth) Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats.

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Meditation gives us the opportunity to know our spiritual Self, our loving Source.  You may give yourself permission to be open to spiritual guidance and receive it with great gratitude and love.  From this space within, you can express our true feelings.  As you discover more about our true Self, you begin to understand our life purpose.

You may often have regrets and fret over mistakes that you have made in your lives.  However, you have a natural resonance, a natural vibration with the harmony of the universe. Because of this, there are no mistakes or failures in your life.  There is no way to do your life ‘wrong’. What you are experiencing right now is perfect for your evolution into wholeness.  Even the shadow is ultimately in service of the Light.

See life as a continual series of transformations that lead to heighten awareness and to experiencing more harmony in your daily life.  There is always an opportunity to bring love and light into challenging situations.  You are in charge of your journey.  As your journey becomes more spiritual, you become a being who sees your own truth and the truth of the universe.

Each day is a new beginning where you can have a new view that is positive and more peaceful.  Meditation provides a space within where you can experience peaceful moments each day and this quietness calms and heals you.  You can take these calm feelings out into your day.  Now you are ready to make good decisions for yourself and commit to a new way of being.

Experience this day as a Beginning

From a decision comes a commitment

From a commitment comes a trust

From a trust – – the universe responds

Evolving with bountiful you


The universe will radiate blessing to you.

Jane Rosalea BoothIn Silence, Discovering Self in Meditation



Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation  

USUI Reiki Master Inner Peace Reiki

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“I am only one, but I AM ONE.

I cannot do it all, but I will not refuse to do what I can.

and what I can do, by the grace of the Creator, I will do.”

– unknown

What are you willing to support in your life? Really think about this question as it forms the basis of all your thoughts and actions. Many of us support people, family, friends, ideas, beliefs and emotions that really weigh us down. Many of us support people, family, friends, ideas, beliefs and emotions that lift us and return support to us. If you have, for example, beliefs that keep you from thinking you deserve all life has to offer, your vision of yourself and your choices will reflect that concept. How much healthier is it for you to know that you are here to receive all the gifts of life…good health, happiness, abundance, beauty, love and compassion.

Take a moment to think about the question that all of us ask, “Who am I?” This is often hard to answer if we do not have a clarity about our values and our passions. We think we should be seeking and seeking to find ‘who we are’ instead of just ‘being who we are’. You do know yourself. You know what you love. You know who you love. You know what makes you happy and what makes you sad.

It is time now to relax into the ‘being’ part and allow your beauty to shine. You are a radiant being with lots of gifts to share. You may enjoy sharing with those nearby, or in your community or on a global scale. It really doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you enjoy doing it. Follow your intuition, your inner feelings that dwell in your heart.  This is where you will find your truth and passion.

So ask yourself – What am I willing to support in my life? Think about what you are supporting on all levels. Supporting means ‘allowing’ to be present in your life. Think on all levels – mental, emotional, physical, spiritual.

For example:

On a mental level – Are you thinking about your problems and life all the time? Be aware of what you are thinking about. Remember you attract what you are thinking. Lighten up by letting your mind relax and calm.

On an emotional level- Are you taking on other people’s problems or trying to ‘fix’ others. Empathize with others but allow them to be responsible for their journey.

On a physical level – Are you treating yourself well by eating well, exercising and getting enough rest? If you care about yourself, you will take good care of your body. Are you supporting an unhealthy life style or a healthy one?

On a spiritual level – Are you listening to your own inner wisdom or are your beliefs coming from others. We all need teachers but our heart will tell us if the ‘teachings’ are ones that you should be supporting.

If you answer these questions truthfully, you will probably have to make some positive changes in your life.  We all have to make changes throughout our lives.  Transformation leads us forward to new places, new ventures, new knowledge and we grow and evolve into our truth authentic self.

It is important to support only what is for our highest good. If you are not sure about something,  meditate or pray and you will receive the answers you need. Sometimes we receive simple answers from our meditations and we dismiss them. We want big profound answers to ‘Who am I?’ Keep life simple, joyful and loving and soon you will know exactly who you are and what your life purpose is and you will ‘support’ only what comes from your heart.  Heart love supports our life purpose and creates the positive energy to manifest what we truly desire.

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Booth, Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking

Reiki USUI Master/Teacher

Peaceful Path Retreats for Women

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We are all seeking our life purpose.  At times, it can be difficult to know our next step, but to create and shape your future, you have to change, grow and see new ways of living.

Here are some sentences to complete that may give you some clarity to make good decisions for your future.  Try completing them.

A. I’d like to change…

B. I’d like more…

C. I keep thinking…

D. In six months I’d like…

E. The most important things in my life right now are…

F. The qualities in the people I admire most are…

G. I’d be delighted if my life included…

H. I feel happiest…

I. I love…

Listen to your heart and you will know the way. In your heart you hold the key to love and success.  Be ever true to your truth and ever loving with yourself. Visualize your life exactly how you would like it to be.  How does that make you feel?  Feel that joy and allow your life to be full of love and happiness.



Jane Booth Robertson


www.in-silence.net  Order you Christmas gift copies of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation, by Jane Rosalea Booth

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