
Posts Tagged ‘spring equinox’

Vernal Equinox


rest is over

new beginnings

Just saying the word “spring” warms my heart! It’s still cold here in Meaford,-2C with a strong north wind…brrr! Today, March 19th and 20th, 2024 brings us the Vernal/Spring Equinox. It is the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth’s equator, making day and night approximately equal length all over the earth. It means our days will be warming and our earth will soon be ready for planting here in the Northern Hemisphere. And our season of Spring begins!

Today is a good time to give thanks for the past winter season with its season of quiet hibernation, a time of reflection, a time for us to see wonder of snowflakes, each unique and beautiful. Together they provided the earth’s blanket. Thank you for the blessings of winter.

Now, we begin to feel our energies stirring and rising with our hope of warmer days, the return of birds, the birthing of animals, the spring rains, the green shoots pushing through the wet earth…quite a wondrous and magical event is our springtime. A few birds were singing this morning here in Meaford even as it is snowing! They know it’s an exciting time.

We all need this nourishment of spring birthing. I want to soak it up! The world is so upside down with war, separation, grief and fear. But thankfully, nature reveals to us a different picture with each of its seasons. I especially love how spring shows us new life after a cold winter. It lifts our hopes! We can plant new seeds, find new ways of being and evolving in a peaceful way. We need these loving energies of spring to heal through forgiveness and to return to love.

The Spring Equinox reveals to us the balance of night and day. What a reminder to create balance in our lives! When we create an holistic balance of body-mind-spirit, light flows into our heart and it opens to bloom with the energies of springtime. We move into harmony with nature…

Awaken! Lets step into the spring! How can we create more balance and harmony in our lives? What ‘newness’ can you create for yourself and others to lift your energies, to birth a new idea, to enjoy the freshness of spring? This is the time to awaken our creative consciousness!

cluster of blossoms

call to the awakening

new birth peeks out

Spring blessings and Happy Spring Equinox! May your day be full of love and joy!

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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I always feel excited about the first day of Spring. Perhaps it is because I know that the Vernal Equinox brings with it the balance of light and dark.  It is the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth’s equator, making day and night approximately equal length all over the earth. It means our days will be warming and our earth will soon be ready for planting.

Yesterday, March 20th, the first day of Spring, was a sunny day here. After many months of winter in Canada, the first snow drops are popping through my garden in spite of the -8C temperature in the mornings.  The robins have returned as have our Canada geese.  As I walk along Georgian Bay in the mornings, the birds are singing.  Yet we still have some snow on our lawn and in the woods.

Following the inspiration of creating balance by the Spring Equinox, I am thinking of ways that I can bring more ‘balance’ into my life.  About 15 years ago, the word ‘balance’ was used by lots of holistic healers and spiritual teachers.  It was used so much that I think many now tend to ignore its significance.

It is difficult to have complete balance in our life…balance between work…home life…recreation…rest…contemplation…study…spirituality and so on.  But it helps us with our stress levels if we can attempt to find balance as it creates harmony in our lives.

We want to strive to move with the rhythms of the seasons, of the universe, and then we can flow and evolve in a way that does not restrict us but allows us to trust in our spirit, in our soul’s guidance that we will be guided to make good choices and opportunities for us to create the life we want.

So wherever you live, as spring renews your plants and foliage, think about some new steps you can take.  We all have a powerful creative consciousness that can evolve our entire lives.  Tap into your inner wisdom through meditation, quiet walks, listening to music.  Look for inspiration in small things in your life.  Simplicity is the key to finding new ideas, space and balance.

Each first day of spring, a dance called Paneurhythmy is danced at sunrise.  The first part of the dance is called “The First Day of Spring”.  The spiritual teacher who created it is Peter Duenov who lived in Bulgaria.  He wrote music and songs for Paneurhythmy, a spiritual dance.  I love this dance as it is a rhythmic dance that teaches us to awaken and find sacred balance and harmony. You can find lots of videos on youtube.  Here is a little poem by him.

In the earliest of dawn

Come to the rays

Rise to the early morn

Be one with all

Listen to the sweetness

Breaking at dawn

Dance with the cosmos

(Peter Duenov-Paneurthymy)

So dance, feel the joy of  spring.  Allow its energies to fill you!  We all need to be open to the gifts of spring.  Each season brings its own energies, but I love spring as it brings hope that there is always new life and new opportunities birthing!

May the blessings of new growth, warming days, gentle rains, awaken our hearts and souls to move with the natural rhythms of spring.

Peacefully, Jane


Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

USUI Reiki Master, Natural Sound Sessions

Author In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author name: Jane Rosalea Booth




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Spring Equinox pic 4

Spring Equinox Walk – Stillness in the Spring Morning

This morning I walked along Georgian Bay (part of the Great Lake Huron) but it did not look like spring had arrived. Instead I was treated to this wonderful view that looked like pyramids on the ice.  Everything was still as the water was frozen near the shoreline. But these wondrous formations fascinated me.  A lady who has lived in this area since a child said they were water spouts.  Sure enough as I looked carefully the center top of each ‘pyramid’ was open.  She said the water spouts out of the pyramids that she called ‘water spouts’.  No water was spouting this morning but I would love to see the water spouting out of them.

As I neared home, I saw some small green sprouts poking through the ground where the snow had melted.  Yes, spring had arrived!

I love Japanese Haiku poetry.  I wrote this one about the arrival of Spring.

morning snow falling

below roots stir quietly

with spring’s rhythm

By Jane Brown Robertson

May you soak up the feelings of stillness on this Spring Equinox. It is when we enter our stillness that we begin to experience feelings of renewal, hope and new beginnings that the energy of the light of the Spring Equinox brings.  The Equinox invites us to create balance and harmony and to move with the natural rhythms of the universe.  Take a few moments to meditate or reflect and allow your mind and heart to open to something new and allow it to grow.

May the radiant Spring blessings of light fill your heart with peace and warmth,

Peacefully,  Jane

11709538_10152829565162303_6161609573751527717_nJane Rosalea Brown,BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master

Author ~ In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation, Jane Rosalea Booth (author name)

A Peaceful Way Gatherings and Retreats


Conscious Aging Workshops

Jane Rosalea Brown   Follow me on twitter @janerbooth

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by: Melissa Carver, Ph.D.

An equinox is an astronomical event in which the plane of Earth’s equator passes through the center of the Sun, causing day and night to be of approximately equal duration all over the planet. Our planet has two yearly equinox events, one in spring and one in fall.

The spring equinox is a time of rebirth for all life on our planet. As winter places us in a life of darkness, equinox comes to rejoice with more hours of sunlight. All life on Earth is dependent upon the sun. It’s not difficult to see that every living creature and plant is in celebration at the time of spring equinox. Birds sing praise, flowers open wide, bees dance, and babies of all species are born.

What does this mean for you? Spring is a beautiful reminder for us humans to transform ourselves as well as our home. You may feel energized and more alive than you have in months. This is because our sacred sun has returned to bring new beginnings and balance. While the day and night are in equal balance, the brain, body, and nature follow this lead naturally. Here are some ideas on how you can personally get the most from spring equinox.


You have probably heard the term “spring cleaning” your entire life. This is because your ancestors knew the importance of the equinox and the role it plays even indoors. Here are some ways you can refresh your home environment.

  • Open windows as often as possible this time of year. Welcome the new beginnings that seem to blow in through the breeze of a warm spring day.
  • Go through your home from top to bottom, searching through every corner and getting rid of what you no longer use. Our house rule: If it hasn’t been used in a year, we don’t need it. Although there may be a few things that this rule does not apply to, it generally holds true for each home. Detach from these items, allowing room for new as well as space to feel uncluttered. This is one of the most important items on your spring to-do list.
  • Deep clean your home, including windows, heat/AC filters, ceiling fans, etc.
  • Have your children go through their toys. Give each child a box and allow them to fill the box on their own. This is a rebirth for them, as well as reducing work for you.
  • Smudge your home after cleaning.

If you are busy outside the home or feel you will not have time to complete these tasks, consider hiring help. It is worth the money spent for a cleared living space, which creates a cleared mind.


You are just as much a part of nature as the tree you view from the window. With that said, flow with the natural balance that accompanies the rebirth of spring. What is your personal rebirth? This could be spiritual, physical, a new career, or relocating. These easy steps will allow you to discover what you would like to be top priority. Often in life we are aware we want something to change, we may even know what we would like the end result to be, but what must we change first? What new, fresh idea is worthy of our attention?

  • Meditate for 20 minutes each day. Begin the meditation by asking, “Who am I?” You may have asked as well as answered this question in previous meditations. This is a question that has an ever-evolving answer. The Universe may have a surprise answer for you this spring.
  • Spend as much time in the sun as possible. Temperatures are warm and welcoming in the spring. The equinox sun has a vibrational energy that sparks liveliness and new ideas. Just be sure to protect yourself from the sun and soak safely.
  • List the top three things in your life that you are ready to birth. While writing also visualize the end result.
  • Practice the Law of Least Effort. Spring equinox is pure rebirth everywhere we look, so allow your mind and body to harmonize with this and release the thoughts that create paradox.
  • Make time for Sun Salutations by appreciating the sun, giving thanks, and allowing your body to connect as one with the force.
  • Establish a fun ritual with your family, such as celebrating with an outdoor activity that involves color. For some, this is the traditional egg hunt, but you can create your own unique household tradition. Painting flowerpots for the birth of plants, planning a colorful meal where each guest brings a designated color, or planting seeds and marking each row with colorful ribbon are all ideas.

Play often this spring! Take the last list of ideas and continue to build on them. Some adults may look at play as ‘a waste of time,’ but I assure you it is quite the opposite. If you live in a cold climate, you may even have a bit of cabin fever or seasonal depression. The results from this can create blockage in any rebirth or creative ideas. Play, especially outside, will:

  • Revive youthfulness
  • Increase brain activity
  • Stimulate creativity
  • Relieve stress

The temperatures in spring are perfect for running, playing, hiking, and enjoying any of your other favorite activities. Bask in all that is new around you.


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For those of you the love the cosmic energies of Soluntra King from New Zealand, here is her latest news~

“Blessings of Love, Peace within and Joy.

Happy New Moon in Pisces, Sun in Pisces and lots of planets in Pisces too, wishing you a great cosmic time and surrender into the all that is..

I trust you enjoyed the 13th February blast; I had just crawled out of my cocoon and got thrown back into it for a few days after the huge input of cosmic rays that illuminated us.

The next big blast is the Equinox March 20th. And I am sure you are still feeling the ongoing waves.

Personally I notice how time has slipped away even more, if that’s possible, sometimes I am up at 6.30am but so absorbed in what I do and end up having breakfast at 6pm but do not feel hungry or notice where the time went. You may also be noticing how you do not need to eat so much anymore as we get lighter we feed on light.
Another thing I notice is that before the shift I would normally need to tune into something, now it’s just on automatic all the time, and sometimes with a quick commentary of what ever or who ever it is. Not interfering in their energy field at all but just a rundown for my own requirements and how to then operate with the person or situation for the best outcome for all.
Of course the real biggy is that everything is being exposed now in the bright light,
no hiding ones unresolved duality issues and I have been amazed by how people are exposing their agendas, it’s all so transparent now.

Below is a new article on why that may be with the new light codes coming for the Sun, as the Suns have all graduated as well.

I also have my books on special and below the Cosmic Events for this month.
See you in the dancing light of our hearts delight, shinning bright.
In the One Heart Love Soluntra”

Soluntra King

Pleas visit www.evenstarcreations.com for Soluntra’s Cosmic Updates.

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