
Posts Tagged ‘self-awareness’

When I was in my thirties, I was traveling with a group in China. I was unsettled and not sure where my life was going. A woman, whom I had just met on the trip, said to me “Jane, you reveal everything on your face.” I felt uncomfortable by these words and I realized that she was seeing my unhappiness. It made me think about how I was revealing myself, perhaps too much, and how I didn’t want others to know all my feelings. There are many reasons we may want to hold back and not share all of ourselves.

But I have discovered how wonderful it is when we find a friend whom we can trust and share our deepest thoughts! It is such a gift to our soul! It is through our relationships we learn how to love and learn what we value in life.

I thought of the lady in China when I saw a Stress Management form. The sheet was a form where you had to reply to various statements, but this one caught my eye~

Anyone watching me could tell what’s really important to me in life”

(1)Definitely (2) I think so and (3) no way.

We are always looking out into the world at others, but how are we showing ourselves to the world?

What was I revealing to that lady? My sadness, my fear or did she see my deep concern for what I was seeing in the cities of China…?

How often has someone said to you about someone, ‘Oh, she’s really nice once you get to know her’? Or, ‘He just looks tough, but he’s an old softy inside.’

Why are we afraid to reveal ourselves to the world? We should all be radiating our true self but we hold back. I know there are things about myself and my life I do not share. We all have private memories and that’s okay. But what am I revealing to others each day?

If your answer to the above statement is (3) no way, perhaps it is time for you to open up and take a step to trust in yourself, trust others…to reveal yourself. There are times when we are grieving, angry or fearful. Sharing with another helps us to relieve stress in these moments. It can be a time of love and bonding. Love is always supportive and uplifting!

“What do I value…what is really important in my life? I hope that people can now see, when they look at me, what I value…my family, friends…love, compassion and peace. There are many values such as love, justice, honesty, patience, integrity, tolerance, diversity, that can be reflected in our lives by what we are doing.

We tend to forget how important each person is! We need you to reveal your true self each day, so anyone who is watching you can tell what your values are and how they make the world a better place.

You may encourage others to be peaceful and kind without saying a word…just by being you and allowing others to see your inner beauty.

I never saw that lady I met in China again, but I never forgot how she taught me to be more self-aware. Still learning this lesson…awareness is an ever evolving process…

I love these words by Marianne Williamson~

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW

Peaceful Way Meditation Blog

Author, In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author Name: Jane Rosalea Booth

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Welcome 2020 a new year and a new decade!

I am beginning to realize how quickly the years pass!  My husband and I reflected last evening on our past and remembered how our computers still worked on New Year’s day in 2000!  Now on this New Year’s Day we are feeling very blessed and looking forward with a sense of wonder to our future days!

So in the spirit of fresh beginnings that come with the first day of the year,  I am sharing an Indigenous prayer that I think fits with setting our intentions for the New Year.

Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my mind,my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body,the blessings of my spirit.

Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun. 

American Indian Lakota Prayer  author unknown

I look forward to our Sacred Voyage gatherings beginning when good weather returns! My Reiki and Natural Sound Sessions begin January 13th in Meaford, ON.  I am available for private Peaceful Way Meditation and Self-mastery sessions.

Please e-mail goldenlightcentre@rogers.com for an appointment for Inner Peace Reiki: http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com

Happy New Year and may 2020 be full of light, love and peace,

Peacefully, Jane

A Peaceful Way

Jane2 (469x640)

Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and IONS Conscious Aging Facilitator. She offers Sacred Voyage gatherings in Meaford, ON.

IN SILENCE FRONT COVER smJane is Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation.(Author name – Jane Rosalea Booth)

Inner Peace Reiki: http://www.innerpeacereiki.wordpress.com


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John O'Donohue

John O’Donohue wrote a wonderful book called Aman Cara.  In my Peaceful Way meditation group, we spent some lovely weeks reading it and reflecting on his insights about what is our relationship with our Aman Cara, our soul friend.

He also talks about aging and how our life comes together as we age . It is as if we gather together all the pieces of our journey. He says “old age offers the opportunity to integrate and bring together the multiplicity of directions that you have traveled.  It is a time when you can bring the circle of your life together to where your longing can be awakened and new possibilities can come alive in you.

I never thought of being older as a time of ‘new possibilities’ but now I am ‘older’ I realize how true this can be.  It definitely is a time where I feel more freedom.  I have let go of many regrets and disappointments as I realize I cannot change them.  Indeed, they were probably very good teachers for me.

We all have life challenges but we can learn at an earlier age how to cope with them and learn that we are creative beings that can make changes.  We are all creative beings.  Even if you think you are not creating, you are.  You have thoughts and opinions every day.  These thoughts are important because they influence your view of the world.

So how do we keep a positive view of the world when we see chaos?  We learn how to listen to our heart and we do this through learning to meditate or have quiet reflection time.  We learn to not hold onto anger and learn to forgive even the most difficult people or situations.  This can be difficult but if we really want to be ‘free’ and to have a happy life, we must transform and live from our hearts.

It is amazing how you will attract new people in your life as your energy lifts into a kinder and more compassionate place.  In the teaching of USUI Reiki, there are beautiful affirmations for practitioners of Reiki to integrate into their lives each day.  If you are having difficulty making changes, say these affirmations each day.

“Just for today,

I will not worry

I will not be angry

I will do my work honestly

I will give thanks for my many blessings

I will be kind to my neighbour and all living things”

If we all lived by these affirmations, the world would heal and live in peaceful communities.

Deep gratitude for John O’Donohue for all his beautiful poetry and blessings. John passed 10 years ago. His books are available on amazon.ca. https://www.johnodonohue.com/

Have a beautiful, peaceful day,


Jane Rosalea Brown, BA, USUI Reiki Master

Author In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Author name: Jane Rosalea Booth


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In my meditations, I see light energies, sometimes glowing or sparkling, and they seem to guide me inward into my quiet place where I feel loved and peaceful.  After I meditate, I write what I remember or sometimes poems flow.  I don’t always understand the messages or poems that I received after my meditations.  It may take more reflection to have new insights, but whatever I write I see as a gift and as an expression of love that dwells in my heart.  In these chaotic days, it really is a gift to find peace within!  Stellar Light is always flowing…taking us into deeper knowing…

Stellar Light

The rose unfolds into the stellar light

Wisdom blooms with tenderness

In the depths of timelessness

Within the halls of knowing

Notes of cosmic essences play

Rays of illumination bloom

by Jane Rosalea Brown, January 15, 2014

Have a ‘stellar’ day!

Love and peace Jane


Author In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

What could be more important than revealing the wisdom of your heart?

To Order:


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A guest article “What is Oneness?|

What Is Oneness?

by: Roger Gabriel (Raghavanand)

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Imagine that you’re the whole universe; you live in total joy and bliss. Imagine there is no past or future, only now. Imagine there is no space or time, just an unbounded eternity. Imagine endless peace, harmony, and unconditional love. Imagine no fear and equality in all things. This is Oneness.

Unfortunately, we can never imagine it fully. To understand or experience anything, we need to compare it to something else, which immediately brings us into duality. Oneness by definition is incomparable.

So is it ever possible to know Oneness? Yes, but only by direct experience, when we go beyond the mind, intellect, and ego. Oneness is the coming together of all opposites. It’s always with us as the basis and underlying essence of everything. It’s nothing in itself, but holds the potential for everything.  We have to go beyond the senses, beyond duality to find Oneness.

We’ve all had random, unexpected glimpses of Oneness. Perhaps you were watching a beautiful sunset and had that moment when you felt like you merged with the whole of creation; or saw your newborn child for the first time and fell in love with the whole world.  We even have expressions for these glimpses, we say, “It took my breath away” or “Time stood still.” This is Oneness. We became one with the totality of the experience. When we return from the moment of Oneness, we find it impossible to properly express it. It just was! There are no words to describe Oneness. In Vedanta, it’s simply referred to as Tat, which means that.

We can also have direct experience of Oneness through meditation, which provides a systematic path by which our awareness settles to quieter levels of thinking until we finally transcend thought completely. All duality is in the realm of thoughts. When we slip into the spaces between our thoughts, we become Oneness. Oneness isn’t just experiencing something; it’s a state of being.

Deepak Chopra has told us that, “Every single thing is an aspect of One Field of Consciousness.” Chopra has also said, “The Whole never loses contact with its parts, they are never lost or forgotten.”

Modern quantum physics talks about a unified field, which underlies and connects everything in creation. Who we are, is pure consciousness or Oneness, expressing itself in different forms at different times in our evolution. Pure Consciousness, which is eternal and timeless, is the Oneness; we are the separation or the duality.

Chopra said, “The origin of life forms is the differentiation of pure consciousness into multiple forms of life expressed as qualia conglomerates which create the relative world.” John Lennon simplified Oneness as, “I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are all together.”

Author Damian Mark Smyth says, “We’re One, we’ve always been One, we’ll always be One, until we think we are not.” And herein lies our challenge, we are one but we think we are separate; we have forgotten our Oneness.

As a result of forgetting, we create an illusory world of duality, which leads to suffering. All disagreements, conflict, and wars are due to the mistaken belief that we are separate. When we realize we are one, who, or what is there to fight against? On a cosmic level, two people fighting is as ridiculous as if your hands decided they didn’t like each other and started fighting.

Are we then doomed to a life of separation, where Oneness always remains an elusive dream? Not necessarily. Vedanta and its great teachers have illuminated a path that guides us to the place where it is possible to live fully in this relative world, with full remembrance of Oneness. Vedanta gives us a vision of 200 percent of life.

Here are a few suggestions to take you in the right direction.


Being part of a harmonious community helps to foster the principles of Oneness. Community supports us on our own journey and allows us the opportunity to serve others. Community helps us open up to new and different ideas; to begin to dissolve our barriers and limiting beliefs. Community can connect us with a sense of Oneness.


Meditation can give us direct exposure to the Oneness deep within. When we transcend thought, we enter a field of pure awareness—the non-local, ground state of existence. By making this journey back and forth from local to non-local awareness, we begin to witness the state of Oneness along with our waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states of awareness. This opens the door to higher states of consciousness and the full re-integration of Oneness in our lives.

Conscious Actions 

Begin to be more conscious of everything in your life. Be conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and how you react to situations and people in your life. Try to be conscious of your choices. Being conscious of how your actions affect your life and of those around you can help to create a sense of belonging—a sense of being part of something greater than just your own ideas.

See Your Own Oneness 

When you stand in front of a mirror, pause for a moment, and look directly into your eyes. Say silently or aloud AHUM BRAHMASMI (a hum brah mass me), which means I am the Universe or I am the totality. You can say it in English if you prefer. This is your soul reflecting back into itself and reminding itself of its Oneness. Practice this at least once a day or whenever you catch your reflection in a mirror.

See the Oneness in Everything

The Bhagavad Gita states, “If you can see God (the Oneness) in everyone, you can never do harm to anyone.” Wherever you go, whatever you experience through your senses, keep reminding yourself that it is all part of the same Oneness. Begin to recognize the world as a reflection of yourself.


The Indian blessing Namaste (nam ass tay) is accompanied by bringing the palms together in front of the heart center, when meeting or taking leave of someone. It means, “I recognize the Divinity in you which is also the Divinity in me” or in other words, “We are the same Oneness.” If it’s not comfortable for you to say it aloud, think it silently every time you meet someone.


Oneness is the potential for all sounds but is, itself silent. In every moment of existence, the whole of of creation is constantly emerging from the silence of Oneness. The first sound or vibration emerging from the silence is OM. This vibration then expands into all the sounds and vibrations of the Universe. When we chant OM it draws our awareness back to the dawn of creation, and into Oneness.


Love is the greatest, most powerful unifying force in creation. When we are in love, we become one with the object of our love. These inspirational quotes that tell the story of the relationship between love and Oneness.

The Sufi poet Rumi wrote, “The lover asked his beloved, do you love yourself more than you love me? The beloved replied, I have died to myself but I live for thee.”

Ram Das said, “Oneness is the source of love. Real love is the One celebrating itself as two.”

In the Vedanta it says, “The ignorant man (engrossed in duality) desires material things; the intelligent man (seeker on the path) desires enlightenment; but the wise man (knower of Oneness) just loves and receives everything.”

The Yajur Veda tells us “It is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. It is all-powerful, all-pervasive. It pervades, permeates, and penetrates all things and all hearts.”

Live your life from love, recognize that you are the Universe. Be the Oneness and everything will be yours.

Join Deepak Chopra and 30 world-renowned speakers, authors, artists, and scientists at Sages & Scientists where you will have the opportunity to come together and discuss consciousness through spiritual and scientific expression. Click here to learn more.

– See more at: http://www.chopra.com/ccl/what-is-oneness?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=CCL%20Newsletter%20160405&utm_campaign=April#sthash.FRiOAfUt

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Here we are at the beginning of a New Year with lots of people promoting programs to change us, to help us create the life we want by encouraging us to live fully and to make affirmations or intentions about how we would like to be and how we can be our authentic Self. I am in this group of people with Conscious Aging that starts in April.

Now all these ‘intentions’ and programs can be good for us. Positive energies bring positive results in our lives.  Affirmations keep us focused on our visions or dreams. Self- reflection and meditation takes us within and helps our to calm and feel connected spiritually.  But sometimes we can feel bombarded by all these suggestions no matter how well-meaning these practices may be.

However, I am going to offer my Jane’s Peaceful Path tip. For today, stop trying to be something different.  Everything in this moment is what is best for you…even though it may not appear that way.  For today, simply stay in love…all day…every moment…with everyone you meet, with nature, with all life but most of all, with you.  For today, observe how your life is unfolding as you stay in love…magical things happen when we stay in love.

Here is a lovely video that I have played at my retreats…just what we need to stay in love! Enjoy

“Love, Peace, Wisdom” by Bliss


Bliss – Love Peace and Wisdom lyrics

“If Love were a bird, I would stroke her bright feathers

Then I’d watch her fly free, cross the still of the dawn

And if Peace were a mountain, we’d gather around her

To bathe in her silence, her power, her call

If Wisdom could sing or whisper his secrets Eternity teaching the ways of the free

In my mind I can see them, I hear them and I feel them

For Love, Peace and Wisdom are all part of me

If Love has her freedom, and Peace her expression,

Surely Wisdom will grow like a flower in bloom

The seed has been planted, and tended and watered

By the prayers of the hopeful and the tears of the brave

We long to return to that place of still waters

And sit on the banks under some shady tree

In my mind I can see it, I hear it and I feel it

And Love, Peace and Wisdom are all that we need

Some call me a dreamer, some will call me a seeker

One who follows her stars on a quest for the truth

But every believer holds a deep hidden memory

Of a time when the earth was a flower in bloom

We long to return to that place of still waters

And sit on the banks under some shady tree

In my mind I can see it, I hear it and I believe it

And Love, Peace and Wisdom are the three golden keys”

Stay in love so peace and wisdom will flow.

Have a beautiful, loving day,

Peacefully, Jane


11709538_10152829565162303_6161609573751527717_nJane Rosalea Brown,BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master

Author ~ In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation, Jane Rosalea Booth (author name)

A Peaceful Way Gatherings and Retreats


Conscious Aging Workshops

Jane Rosalea Brown   Follow me on twitter @janerbooth

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Creating a peaceful way allows us to live each moment fully so we may explore and evolve into our whole self and experience a deep Spiritual connection.  In prayer, we speak to Spirit.  In meditation, we open our hearts and listen to our inner spiritual guidance. These workshops will connect you with your inner place of peace to assist your personal growth and healing, and expand your evolving consciousness. You will experience greater relaxation, love, inner peace and self mastery.  Over the winter and spring months we will be exploring new insights that we gain through a wide variety of meditations.

A Peaceful Way…

  1. Sacred Yes – Opening Heart Meditations
  2. Embracing the Divine Feminine
  3. Chakra Balancing
  4. Healing Sound Meditations
  5. Power of the Elements
  6. Introduction to Sacred Geometry – Mandalas
  7. Mother Earth Meditations with drumming
  8. Sound, Light and Colour – Tools for healing
  9. Discovering Your Animal Totem
  10. Sacred Geometry – The Sigma Symbol
  11. Enchanting Reflections Meditations
  12. Contacting your inner Child
  13. Dolphin Star Teachings
  14. Sacred Peaceful Earth and Dance Circles
  15. Steps to Self Mastery

Join me Wednesday afternoons in my Meaford home for our Peaceful Way Gatherings.  Register now for January gatherings beginning January 14th, 2015 at 1:30 p.m – 3:00 p.m.  Please reply by e-mail: goldenlightcentre@rogers.com  Directions upon registration

Here are some thoughts on our “sacred yes” by my Facebook friend David Ibson

It’s time. Let’s make a sacred vow. Let’s create a shared purpose. Let’s work together and develop common solutions to the massive common problems that we all share. Let’s all take a few moments and imagine a collective community of amazing, integrated beings in a harmonious, loving relationship with the entire world, indeed, with the entire universe, full of the promise of self-love, wisdom and understanding. Imagine a community of creatively empowered individuals all expressing the solutions to our problems through their own unique disciplines, through the use of their own enlightened choices…just say YES.  David Ibson, Facebook

Yes, Yes, Yes…let us join together!

May the joy of the season fill your hearts with feelings of bliss and merriment,

Peacefully, Jane

Jane Rosalea Booth, Author of In Silence, Discovering Self through Meditation

Cover 3 In Silence

Jane Rosalea Booth Robertson, BA, CSW, USUI Reiki Master an experienced holistic workshop facilitator, promotes seeing the connection of nature, art and heart centered spirituality for inner peace and spiritual self-mastery.  Jane is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Certified USUI Reiki Master, and creator of Peaceful Path Women’s Workshops and Retreats

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When our eyes are graced with wonder, the world reveals its wonders to us. There are people who see only dullness in the world and that is because their eyes have already been dulled. So much depends on how we look at things. The quality of our looking determines what we come to see.

Ref: Beauty: The Invisible Embrace, John O’Donohue

About the late John O’Donohue http://www.johnodonohue.com/about

Peacefully, Jane




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